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NAME :-___Kristen Hamilton_____________


1.How were the objectives met ?

The concepts were introduced to the students. They were put into partners and
directed one another with a sheet of paper that I provided. Then they worked by
themselves while I directed them with the relationship words. We discussed their
preferences in the partnering and solo work.
2.Was the material too difficult? Simple? Uninteresting? Directions
not clear? Explain
I think that this lesson plan was spot on for their learning level. They were able to
develop clear thinking about the relationship between themselves and others as
well as the room/world around them. The directions were as vague so that they
could explore on their own, but clear enough so that they didn't get lost.
3. How was the Lesson challenging to the students?
It was challenging because this time, instead of me moving along with them, I had
them come up with their own ideas. I also asked for them to explain certain things
throughout so that everyone had a chance to really understand the differences
between the concepts.
4. What skills need additional practice?
I would like to have them work in partners as well as solo work to further what they
developed on Thursday. They all have great ideas, they just don't get to think
enough on their own.
5. What students need particular attentionskill, social, emotion,
The students were well behaved. We had a few trying to draw attention, but it was
easy to pull them back in to the lesson plan. I have learned that it is extremely
important to keep them moving at all times so that they will be less distracted. We
are still working on their social and emotional skills, but overall I am starting to see

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