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Eric Brooks

Hist. 1700
Dueling Document
Cold war over Global Warming
There is a two sided argument between those who believe global warming is real and those who
believe the earth is in a natural warming stage. Both arguments have been presented and as the
document describes, the leadership of our country is found on the side of global warming. We can also
find that the majority of Americans find themselves on the popular side of votes. The first part of this
article states that unsubstantial evidence has been produced and our leadership is supporting it without
any regards to the scientific proof. Document two arguments states that although the earth can change
in mast quantities the people living on it need to realize we are only accelerating the change. The worlds
inhabitants need to find ways to stop the acceleration, to do this pressure needs to be put on big
business to pressure them to change the way they have been conducting business.
Document One state that global warming is predicated on fear, rather than science. This In my
non professional belief is only half true, although most people who talk about global warming can not
back it up with substantial facts, on the other side it cannot be disproved. In our record of scientific
human life this is the first time we have seen a constant change in environment global warming or not
this article cant change the fact that things do seem to be changing. Document Two states that we
have already run out of time. If thats the case I think governments from around the world would have
gathered and tried to fix or slow the process of our in inevitable death. Warnings and procedures would
have been issued and life as we know it would have changed, as of now were still if not more than ever
encouraged to buy sell and trade goods, drive, fly, and produce.
Both documents have valid points and I find myself in the middle of each side, if I had to choose
one I would have to go with document two for the sheer fact that I witness everyday the effects we as
people have on our environment and steps need to be taken to change the way we produce and use

Eric Brooks
Hist. 1700

goods. I may not believe we are in an epidemic as of now but a continuing the way we are as a
civilization doesnt have a good outlook.

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