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Protect yourself with the Creative Commons! We are all capable of creating original ideas and artistic creations. The Creative Commons Law makes it safe for us to copy. share and build on each other's creative work while giving credit to the original creator. This law allows the creator to license thelr work in order to show users how to use It ‘What counts as Creative Work? Books, poems, papers, articles, blogs, reviews, etc), photos, videos, music, websites, online profiles, and artworks. Have no fear! The Copyright Legal System is here! w that protects your control over the creative work you make so that people must get your 7 permission before they copy, share, or perform your work. oO How does Copyrighting work? 1. When you have an idea and record I, its instantly copyrighted It does not matter fa work Is hard copy or digital form itis still copyrighted 2. All recorded work Is automatically copyrighted. 3. Ideas, common knowledge and facts, US. government documents, works in the public domain and spontaneous acts of expression arery copyrighted, Piracy, Plagiarism, Public Domain and Fair Use PIRACY - Stealing copyrighted viork by downloading or copying It in order to keep, sell, or give it away without permission and without paying. PLAGIARISM - Copying, “lifting,” or making slight changes to some or all of someone else’s work and saying you created it. PUBLIC DOMAIN - Creative work that's not copyrighted and therefore free for you to use however you want FAIR USE - The ability to use a small amount of copyrighted work without permission, but only in certain ways and in specific situations

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