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My autobiography

By Christian Alexander Sinclair

Why fit in when you can stand out
By Dr. Suess
I believe that you shouldnt try to fit in if you can stand out.
My name is Christian and I am 10 years old. Ive lived in Dubai
for 7 years now and I go to Gems World Academy. I live with my
mom,dad,dog and big brother called Nicholas. I love to play
football with all of my friends .

I am from New Zealand and Hong Kong but I was born and
raised in Australia. I have never lived in the 2 countries that Im
from. I have lived in Dubai and Australia. Through ought my
time in Dubai I have been to 3 different schools DIS,AIS and
GWA. My worst teacher ever was my 4th grade teacher miss
Walden she was a wicked witch but for my favourite teacher it
is a battle between mrs Wallace and my 3rd grade teacher
called miss Te Hiko. My dog Toto is almost 3 years old ,she is a
salt and pepper miniature schnauzer and she loves to play.

I am arachnophobic because when I was small I got a spider

book shoved in my face and I got scared of the 8 eyes . my most

embarrassing moment was when I was reading and someone

put a spider book in my face and I screamed in front of the
whole grade 3. I am a pretty good football player thats because
I started when I was 4years old. The best day of my life was
when my soccer team travelled to Spain to play in a
international tournament and we won the last match. We also
got a trophy that is sitting at our training center. I am also
coulrophopic because I saw a movie trailer with killer clowns.

When I grow up I would like to be a professional football player

playing for my favourite team Manchester United. If I fail to
become a professional football player I will either want to be a
business man or a person working in a dog shelter. Ive always
liked dogs no matter what because Im allergic to cats. I want to
be married and have a kid and a dog when I grow up. I want to
always be the one to stand out.


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