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The Internet Is

Destroying Family
Chee Yen Yong

Less interaction within family's activities

Less face-to-face communication

Always contact by phone or internet
Teens likes to lock themself in room
surfing internet

Less Interaction within family's activities

Internet addicted
Likes to socialise with internet friends
rather than family members
Eating meals in room than eating at
dining room with family

Negative Impact of Internet blogs

Bad blogs that teaches teenager to

rebel againts family
Talks back against family
Talks rudely and disrespectful with

Negative Impact of Internet blogs

Teenager write bad comments on

their family on social webpage
Destroys relation between family
Hurts the feeling of the family member

Internet Generates Bad Behaviours

Teenagers become materialistic due

to online products
Argue with family for money
Steal money from parents

Internet Generates Bad Behaviours

Learns vulgarism and bad manners

through internet
Speak vulgarly and impolite to family
Causes arguement that loosen the
relationship among family

Thank you

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