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Nefertary Miranda

COMM 2150- Intercultural Communication

Service Learning Proposal
Community Partner:
English as a Second Language Lab
Salt Lake Commumity College
Redwood Campus
Andy Shaw, ESL Instructor
Project Plan:
I will be working with student of different cultures that currently attend the classes that the English as a
Second Language Lab offers at Salt Lake Community College. I am hoping to get to work with
students on one on one sessions more than once, I am also looking forward to meeting people from
different people, specially since these will be adults.
Civic Engagement:
Civic engagement represents the act of being involved in the community for the purpose of providing
services to those in need.
Personal Culture:
I am a 19 year old Hispanic woman. My heritage is more specifically Mexican, since both of my
parents were born there and I my self lived in the state of Mexico until I was 12 years old. I am
currently completing the General Education program at SLCC and hope to soon transfer to the
University of Utah to pursue a Bachelors degree in Psychology. I do not have any children or really
small siblings since my younger sister is only 3 years behind me. I was raised under the catholic
religion but nor me or my family (parents and sister) were really involved in it, I now do not consider
my self to belong to any religion even though I do believe in the existence of an all powerful being that
I refer to as God. I consider my self to be a very liberal and open minded person, I'm not very
involved or interested in politics but if I had to choose I would be in the democratic side.
Culture Groups:
I will be working with adults from cultures that I hope will come from all over the world. I am really
hopeful to meet people from Asian cultures, since I feel those are cultures that I do not know much
I am afraid that time will be a big challenge for me while completing this service, I recently started a
full time job and do not have much flexibility or free time in my schedule. Another challenge that I
think I will face will be, to become involved and integrate my self enough into the classes that I will be
I also learned English as a second language later in my life, I feel that having lived through a very
similar experience to the ones that the people I will be working with are having it will help me be more
sympathetic and understanding of their situations. I have worked in the field of teaching before and
specifically with students that were not very advanced in the English language (taught children), so I
think this gives me the advantage of patience and experience in communicating with people that may
not understand me completely.

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