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Gram Flour Vegetable Dosa


Gram flour / Chick Pea Flour / Besan flour/ Channa dhal flour 2 cups
Wheat flour 1cup
Onion 1 finely chopped
Carrot 1 finely chopped or grated
String Beans 1 thinly sliced.
Green Chilli -1 chopped finely
Red Chilli Powder 1 tsp or to taste
Cumin Powder / Jeera Powder -1 tsp
Coriander Powder -1 tsp
Coriander Leaves cup chopped
Salt to taste
Water as needed to make a batter
Oil for pan frying

First saute the vegetables in a pan with little oil so that they are half cooked.
Mix everything given in the list except oil in a mixing bowl.
Add enough water so that it forms into dosa batter consistency.
Heat a non stick dosa pan/tawa..Pour a ladleful of batter over that and make a
slightly thin dosa..Drizzle oil around the sides..
Cook for 1 min on one side and flip over and cook on other side too..Drizzle some
more oil if needed.
Cook till it gets crispy.. Serve hot with coconut chutney or sambar and eat it
immediately, because it is best had hot..Once it gets cold it is not that good.
The wheat flour is added for gluten purpose because the Gram flour is gluten free.
The dosa will be in shape and intact only when some gluten is present. The thin
dosa batter make thin and crisp dosa.
All the solid vegetable things that put in the batter should be small in size so that
spreading the dosa batter on the pan is easy.

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