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Benjamin Harris

UWRT 1103
Midterm Reflection
The semester has progressed nicely for me thus far, I dont feel overwhelmed by
coursework or any class material. This class has exposed me to different ways in which I
can approach how I get my ideas down on paper and to always keep in mind the audience
reading the writing that I do. I hope that in this latter portion of the semester I can learn
how to hone in on my writing style and expand my knowledge further when it comes to
writing in uncommon writing genres. I think that a connection between this course and
my other courses is that the way I approach writing can be the same way I approach
studying. With writing I want to get all my thoughts down first and then work on
refinements, the same goes with my study technique. I write down all the information I
know off the top of my head first then add in the other information I dont know later. At
the beginning of the semester the only goals I had were to get all As and so far I am
close to that goal but I must work harder to achieve it this semester. I thought I did a
pretty good job on the first essay, and since that is my only real measuring stick of how
well Ive done so far I would say I am most proud of that assignment. I really enjoyed the
literacy memoir because it made me reflect and think about influences on my literacy that
I previously did not consider. If I were King of the class I would have class discussions
on readings as well as current events so that the class can have a better understanding of
the world they live in and allow free writing time as well.

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