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Student Study Habits

Christina Riviello
Student Study Habits
Host Intro: From time to time we have all heard that for every one hour
of class we have two hours of studying in order to do well in a given
class. But is this really the case? Do we all follow this format or are
there different study techniques that we can use in order to do well in
class? Lets with talk to Stephen DeWitt, who is a senior at Kean
University to see how he studies for each of his classes.
In-Cue: I study six hours
Out-Cue: on campus in the library
Host Transition: Nafisah Ali, a sophomore her at Kean University
had a study method that differed from Stephen and had this to
In-Cue: Uh.. I study 10 to 12 hours a week
Out-Cue: usually I prefer a quiet room without noise
Host Close:
And there you have it folks. We all have different study techniques that
work us. Join us next week to learn about study tips and tricks for finals.
If you have a study habit or trick that works for you please let us know
on our Facebook or Twitter page.
For WKNJ-FM, 90.3, Union, New Jersey the NEW sound of Kean
University, Im Christina Riviello.
Stephen DeWitt Sound Byte
I study six hours one hour per class and my preferred study method is
on campus in the library.

Nafisah Ali Sound Byte

Uh I study 10 to 12 hours a week and I usually I prefer a quiet
room without noise

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