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Ulises Lopez
Ms. Filbeck
English 091
19 November 2014

In the Tortilla Curtain, T.c. Boyle shows people there human nature and how even though
it is usually consumed by evil there are still people who are good at heart. We are told a story
about these two immigrants Candido and America who are trying to achieve their American
Dream. But are faced many obstacles through their journey and meeting many people who are
just cruel and meeting people who have no sympathy for others. Also a man named Delaney who
throughout the story changes his views on immigrants and what he thinks about them, Even
though Candido and America are faced many challenges they always try to be good people
despite their situation.
As the story progresses we take a look back to Candidos like where he was working in
Idaho and was heading off to Los Angeles to find more work and also to go with his cousin. He
and his other friends were also going but were later stopped by the police officers, everybody
knew what was going to happen if they were going to get captured. So everybody made a run for
it, Candido heard a shot go off which he looked back and saw his friend being apprehended. He
kept running so much he felt his lungs burning until he found a barn which he layed down due to
exhaustion. Candido was shivering since it was snowing and soon a man was shocked to
discover him laying their freezing. The next thing he knew he was wrapped in a blanket, sitting
in a big gleaming a steaming cup of coffee clutched in his hands (170 Boyle). He was also
making a call to someone, Candido of course thought he was calling the police but to his surprise
he was calling a woman who spoke the same language as her. She offered her to buy a bus ticket


for him so he can get to his destination. This man who has no relation with Candido opened up
his home to him and gave him food and blankets to keep him warm and also gave him help so he
can get to where he was going. This shows that even though there are certain gringos who show
hatred towards immigrants, there are still some out there who are sincere people.
Later on in the story, Candido has found a job and has finally started to make some
money to provide for his wife. He then decides to go buy some food at the supermarket but what
he doesnt know is theres a special in which if you spent more than fifty dollars you get a free
turkey. As he is waiting to purchase his food the people next to him received a turkey but they
dont want it. They decide to give it to Candido but the checkout girl said its only for the person
who spends more than fifty dollars. As Candido is buying his food and starts to leave The first
man hefted the big frozen twelve pound turkey and dropped it into Candidos arms and Candido
had no choice but to grab the dead weight of it (256 Boyle), To which other man with the rings
says Happy Thanksgiving, dude (256 Boyle). Candido didnt know what to say; he just had
one big turkey in his hand. All he was knew was his wife was going to be very happy about what
he is going to bring for her. These two men cared enough cared to wait for Candido and give him
the turkey because they both knew that he needed it more than they did. It just goes to show that
even though there are many cruel people out there there are still some humans who still have a
good heart.
As the story nears to an end we are shown that Delaney and Candidos cross paths once
again, but this time Delaney tries to call the cops on him for thinking he stole items in the Arroyo
Seco properties. Candido escapes and Delaney follows him to his hut, where he is shocked to
find out that this man has a wife and a child. The worst of luck happens and a mudslide occurs
which takes aways Delaney and Candidos family. Candido grabs onto the roof of the United


States Post Office and then grabs her wife. To make matters worse he later realizes his daughter
has been taken away by the mudslide. He then sees A white face surge up out of the black swirl
of the current and the white hand grasping at the tiles, he reached down and took hold of it (355
Boyle). Despite Delaney hitting Candido with his car and also trying to call the police on him as
a suspect for robbery. Not to mention Delaney chasing him down to his hut with a gun probably
going out there to shoot him, Candido still reaches out to him and lends him a hand so he wont
be taken away by the mudslide, This man has got to be the most genuine person in the world for
doing what he did. Not everyone is a cruel person there are still some wonderful people out there
whose human nature is just to genuinely help out others despite their situation or to always give
out a helping hand.
Whether its giving someone a place to stay, or showing a simple gesture such as giving
them food, or simple lending out a hand this book has shown us there are people with are still
genuine people despite this book showing people with a terrible human nature. Candido despite
going what he went through whether its getting hit by a car, being mugged and losing all his
money, having no job, being taken by a mudslide and losing his only daughter in the process. He
still goes reaches his hand to save the man who has caused him much trouble throughout the
story. That sends a powerful message that despite having such a rough time in America he still
tries to keep his head up and helps out others. Even though we meet many evil people throughout
the book there are still with a good heart.


Boyle, T. Coraghessan. The Tortilla Curtain. New York: Viking, 1995. Print.

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