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Gerbec 1

Ashley Gerbec
English 101H MW 9:35-10:55 am
Professor McKeever
September 17, 2014
Word Count: 658
Tylers Early Arrival
It was a normal day, just like any other, or so I thought. I was in the waiting room of my
doctors office waiting to hear the progress of my pregnancy.
Ashley, we will see you now, said the nurse.
Excited and anxious I got up from my seat and followed the nurse to the room.
Pull your arm out of your sleeve so I can take your blood pressure please.
As the nurse watched the blood pressure gage her eyes grew wider.
Your blood pressure is dangerously high; you need to go to the hospital immediately.
Nervous and scared I left the office to head to the hospital. Thoughts raced through my
mind. How could this be happening? Im not due until March third, it is only February fifth. Is
my baby going to be healthy? I called my boyfriend Dan to meet me at the hospital. Dan arrived
in the patient room to join me just as the doctor announced, We have to induce you today; you
wont be leaving the hospital without your baby.
What a surprise. I am completely unprepared. I dont have a suitcase with a change of
clothes or an outfit to bring my baby home in, not even a crib waiting for him. The next step was
to call my dad.
Dad, I am getting induced today and will have my son within twenty-four hours. Can
you build the crib?

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What? Are you serious? Ok, I will work on that.
Thanks and by the way can you call mom and let her know? Ask her to pack a bag of
clothes to bring for me and my son when she visits after he is born.
Ok, good luck, keep me updated.
So, they wheeled me up to the delivery room and started the induction process. It takes
twelve hours and then we will give you the next medicine which takes eight hours. Then you will
have a beautiful baby boy in your arms.
The process started at six pm on February fifth. It was a restless, painful night. After
they gave me an epidural around 2:30 am, I was able to take a short nap.
At 7:00 am I was awoke by the nurse.
Ashley, how are you feeling?
I am okay, I replied half asleep.
I think the baby is ready, do you feel like you can push?
What? Its only been thirteen hours. I havent even gotten the second step yet. Is my
baby going to be okay?
Calm down, everything will be okay, said the nurse.
Wake Dan up! I shouted as he slept peacefully, snoring in a chair.
The nurse shouted, Dan, wake up! Ashleys having the baby, grab a leg!
Huh? said Dan. The babys coming now?? What happened to standing behind a
curtain and holding her hand? I didnt know Id be holding her leg!
Push, push, you are doing great. I see his head, said the nurse.

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After three pushes little Tyler was born. But, why isnt he crying? Hes not making a
sound. What was wrong, I wondered as the nurse left the room with my child. The nurse
suctioned his airways so he could breathe.
Wah, wah, wah, cried my new baby.
I never thought I would be so happy to listen to crying. The doctor handed me my baby.
Congratulations Ashley. You did it! You are now the mother to a beautiful baby boy.
I clutched my baby for the first time, like he was the winning lottery ticket. I achieved
my biggest goal of delivering a healthy baby boy. Even though he was early, he did not have a
single problem. He was just impatient and wanted to meet his mom and dad earlier. Until this
day, he still has that impatient personality. Multiple times a day I hear Im tired of waiting!!,
but it makes me smile and remember back in February 2010 how Tyler was tired of waiting.

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