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Yareli Reyes

English 100
Professor Duran
September 3 2014
Journal 1; Freedom Writers
Zlata felt honored to meet the students of Wilson High School because they were kids who experienced
violence in some way just like her. She was able to relate to them because she was a teenager just like
them when she had to live through a war. Where to rivals fought against each other for territory and
many innocent lifes died for no reason. And just like the teenagers from Freedom Writers she had to
mature so she could understand what was going on during that time. In order for them both they had to
overcome something so they can turn into a better person.
Research; Bosnian is an eponymous region of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Bosnian war was a war that
took place between Bosnia and Herzegovina between April 6 1992 to December 14 1995. The war was
the result of the breakup of Yugoslavia in 1991.

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