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Meeting Minutes

BTH, Martin, and Stanford

Feedback on Final Presentation

o More story behind the prototype, the need
o Cool start with the green pictures
o Add in more from BTH
o Send reflections
o Future times work together more
BTH Volvo visit- met with Michael Steck and Martin
o Have corporate presentation
o BTH presented what they have done so far
o Coaching session with Martin and Michael
o Keep on track, dont forget about under lying needs in the whole project
Sweden team may take a step back to really understand the problem
o Met the Volvo Dealership CFO Swecon
80% Germany, Sweden, and Baltic countries
And services on equipment
Different needs for customers worldwide
Sweden for example need more customized machines
Nice lights, nice chair, while Germany just wants cheap machine
BTH visited demolition site with Globax, Ekeby Wastewater treatment plant, e-waste
facility (full documentation in dropbox)
o Separate water waste using microorganisms and use methane for city buses
o Solve urban mining with biomimicry
o Demolition site first IKEA ever
o Crushed glass and sand into insulation
Stanford met with Kirkham Project GC and Civil Engineering, and The ReUse People
o Super helpful meeting, full notes in dropbox
o Storage, trucking, and safety are things to look into
o Other retaining walls
o ReUse offset cost entirely, just time difference
In January, Stanford visiting The Reuse People, Volvo Dealership, Silverado, Recology,
and talk to architect of Kirkham Project, Firma Contractors (big into urban mining)
Martin needs wish list of visit for spring, he will be the liaison when we are in
Germany and Sweden
Next meeting January 7th

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