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Religious Eadveasion aad Miisions ona 10 be endoved a¢ Soeatss possible, Here isan oppertmty to invest some of the Lords money where fil sett rich dadeads forall Sine fo coe, As doin of che alin lls heeded to mots ihe needs of the Trsining Scioo), and wy fable ue fo cary out the directions ob the General ‘RSsembly dor Che expansion of ee several departments. ‘Thete is inuediate need for a bulla, comtaining elassrocms, ‘dninisrative offess, Ubrary and. Tein ‘Tue Trannys Scaoon 08 Mex axv Woxen ‘The Genetel Assembly's TesningScool was founded to train both npn ai yoni fOF all forms of Chis {fan serene, at hone al bad Berbaps ths hud at HEELS lly waoarsone a te shoudl Ber» Syne people Seam to be tnder tie ampressiens cha, is for ome fgaiy, “Thore Ievan fnerenim. demand Tor, ellitaned fe to at chains so ir in ies le {Etion and in cue ways These poutions do ot toque ‘heologlesl trang, Bue they do feqgire training fn Re glows Egusston sul i Butoh Bible, sock ay the AS. SG Trang” Sol pera to gh Rtas ‘Sho teaioe for Hr service could ‘have 3 good el al backgronnd, & good sersoliy gn ret consccra- Yon Soe adiete Alte are hebpial bot are oot oan TEL, We have cali Ser gute @ sanber of auch en Ghety Years Pastore and fSchers could be of darge ely {o tbe Chute fy caling de attention of promising yoy tensa om oe vx nang ld of tan Beevicg lel i oper or trad ky’ workers fy the hare, For catalogue snd information weite Wauten L. Luana, President, 3400 Brooke Rosd ICHELOND, YA, The General Assembly's T raining School for Lay Workers Bulletin RICHMOND, VA. XI. No. 3. vou. vterty by the Training Schoo! Pablished 0 5 z Z Ene as eo oes PROGRESS ‘and PROBLEMS ‘Que New Paoresson On December the iret Dr. BB, Paisley york, ay Fulltime professor 08 Kigious due tine General Avseniti's Trotting Sell for Lay. Wark Eee By education gad by experience Dr, Palter te a= Imirebiy fed for thie position. He hg graduate a the Presbyterian College of Askansas, a Blaster uf Arts of the University of Texas, 2 graduate of the Austin Thom Jogieal Semary, Soe taken the FM) post gradsate curse fnefeligius Haccation at Yale University, 20 opll ce Suive his doctor's dagreee frum Yate se wos, we cam flees his thesis: “He Served: as. chaplain. iy the ans uring the World Wae, a3 a pastor in the home tis Son fields of Texas’ for Several years, aul served fur 3 Wie as Educational Secrets’ of we ‘General Assem Bip Bxccutve Committee of Home Assim His com. sug Se Auimbigs Trang School Sable 50 nally large and epphasiie rhe. eparzment ot Ree Figlone, Sduewtion. We hope te ratain the oervices wf Dee W. Ze Thompson and Mice Shacbeth Shields. for ‘Ash Lime 4 they can possibly spare to the ‘aol Schoal gan his Lirauay Deonees ‘The Gmeral Assembly of ove Chugch in 1924 tools ge tiop ‘resting. “Thst the. General Assombly's Tala ‘Sehool arrange, 32 c008 zs possible, for courses in Eng Tish Bible are Religious Educadon, Yadiar up to the de gee of Master of Ans, and otter suitable degrces for lose surdente who exter the General Assemble Traine ‘Sciogl with A. By degrees {rom A class colleges” We have never forgotten these disectons of the Genveal Assembly dor a mement. vil have been working wth them i rind duriag Whese igtervaniw years, Wwe tect that De. beiteys coming is bringing as in sight of the General Assembly's gal, und Wie Hope to be able to mule Sime definite tunabearsexte song the line thin oe Ay Onituie Sue Us ‘ye Preshyterien Staplard, jy a0, eitorial en Dt, Pass Iey's coming sn the Assent’. Tratuiog Sell, Bas come Wry fe hinge fe egy about hitn apt about the Trumitig Schiol. flere Ts) one paceurants ion the chub gthe Scaled the! tener Ssemb ‘ining Seca! never stands stl." Te has! out le grow Beyond the sangidne dreams of i founders, bot EMumbets and eouipmese, but it fs roan {rum the Sra make-shife cacults with hie je hogan 9 be a Tilly manned acho wiose tipioma tans mich Amore five Crbwte bas coe frye De Them seaho for argay years the Univers UE Oli, an irhe te age oe Die sutreuding edcatore ct Americh, “Whe ose Guier ietcaton es itd the Sonar its sshords, ella, "een SMhont, the Commies wired Dr ti 9, “Uhomgron lee toe rw of te smvees and the seb Training Shook. “Here are soune escerv's feo fs #e= partum Tevinng Sohal Arist th Seaton for te etuation ad wae fing of tay eotkeen for Be chuschr canrue Et Bpiow wf citiusim to thu voor "Eh Aswemigs Tying Sehoal fds elt airy Tosated Tor an rectagt service. to the Church. Tix Dulleows. alread: Provided ate of the best todemn comsrction, with {eligent consideration of the servige to be svalered «> Frum the standpoint of kction, ther ceil be uti {it ken abeeer. fee af puyol ‘uiomen, the Church i to be congratulated. ape the pportanity aGorded. "Thore ig abundance of reason 4or the contdence of the Church ix the misiageiect of the Training Sehook and iy the (ype of elueaton ant Me strgstion given. This type of fution should greauy {sti ht providing tay ‘workers whirse eouraes of ted, tse polit pf lew) ahd whose ined Supa the Chea wuld be’ of areat value (othe preseneay pastor aiid to. the Christan” agctl Service so. meh eve Sour ureat ely ender” Sosse Paosuems asp Necns De, W. O. Thompson, iw his saevey, sates slenely ane couvinsingly’ the Best need in she ‘ullwing pasaatanh “Phe frat an Sladate supe, "Fhe picts ter= prise has at cheouraging star. The sore fe prosper, the beter it serves tie tweds Ug she Chives the more Innperative ard Jnsistent ace the omands tar that mioter nuuies ick we deveribe as gor dolly bread. Ths p= Set vil of wonrse, be Made Tyee meta tee Should always bea’ Weleume col, wil a ‘willing and ssenbles “Committe ot 5s, ae individuals sittin tthe ispenece tis Ties ested bythe General Assen Tre fe argon weed for eonrmints ow several dex sasrnents. £8 to pt these deparemens ona tore Sctne' Gnade! tasks, Peesserahigs of Boghsh Dill

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