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Isaacs 1

Jake Isaacs
Connie Douglas

Multi-Genre Project

Isaacs 2

Dear Reader
Dear reader, have you ever been in a building thats to cold, to hot,
maybe to dark or just poorly ventilated? Odds are this home wasnt built efficiently and
the house is leaking out the air from inside to out and vice versa. If youre a home owner
you know what that means, a larger bill and money that comes out of your pocket. In this
decade efficiency is huge and when you build a home to be economically sound and
efficient it could save you a lot of money time and effort. This is known as ecoarchitecture which is the basis of creating buildings that are largely more efficient than
previous designs and are much more beneficial the earths environment as well as your
pocket. Any business owner will tell you that even if it costs cheaper now its better to
spend the little extra to ensure a good investment otherwise in 10 years youll have a
building that needs to be rebuilt. With Eco-Architecture it is thrived after to build not
only a home that is hugely efficient but also built to stay that way for longer than the
average home thats built. This means a home that saves you more, costs less, lasts
longer, and is easier to manage.

Isaacs 3

Looking for an experienced and motivated engineer to work with other local
engineers and architects on the design of a new building that qualifies as a Net-Zero
energy home. Some tasks will be to design a better way to install the solar panels onto the
roof to ensure a large portion of the electricity will be acquired from the sun. Place and
install Re-disposal units allowing the house to create no waste and also re use its own
water through a cleaning process. Install new water heater, meters, and thermostat to run
more efficiently and allow for the house to re-use its own recycled water while operating
in an efficient manner.

Isaacs 4


(Picture of an engineered home that qualifies to be a Net-Zero-Energy home.)

Isaacs 5

Dear head director of public infrastructure and systems, it has come to my
attention that you seek out a licensed individual to take a contract in building a net-zero-energy
home with specific qualifications. I will begin by stating that I am qualified in this field of work
and have been specializing and working on homes that are being changed into more efficient
homes that are cheaper to operate. In the past 4 years I have been contracted to work on and
design over 30 buildings with not only the necessary technology to harness the heat from the sun
and transfer this into energy useable for lights but also homes with waste management systems
that allow the home to create no waste as well as re-use its own recycled water and use less water
than 90% of homes in the U.S. I will finish by stating that 100% of the homes I have designed
and been a part of building have all been successfully approved to be a Net-Zero-Energy home.

Isaacs 6

Persuasive essay
In this society and in this economy who can afford the rise in costs for
commoditys or an inefficient house that leaks the outside air in making your air hot/cold or your
bill more expensive. When it comes down to it, its just a matter of how the home was engineered
and the supplies that were used to build it. With most purchases you can always go a cheaper
more inexpensive way but when sacrificing a quality job and quality material it will always end
up costing two or even three times more expensive when you have to replace it. Homes now are
being engineered in such a way that your electricity is received and stored on site for immediate
and back up use, waste management systems recycle and cleanse water on site to be re-used
again for maximum efficiency and the materials used to build the house are much more reliable
than a standard home, with replaceable bamboo flooring and paint that is free of Volatile
compounds. In spending a little extra and getting quality materials, the time it will take to need a
replacement will be expanded so long you will have saved yourself money on doing the project
two or even three times.

Isaacs 7

Wanted Ad: The reason I used a wanted ad is to illustrate the side that represents
the hiring of the contractor or engineer and what type of qualifications or tasks might he need to
complete to create a home that is qualified as a net-zero energy home. When trying to create or
architecture a home that or building that is either net-zero energy qualified or is LEED qualified,
and when trying to meet these restrictions there is a lot of requirements to be met in a specific
Picture: My reasoning for doing a Picture/Photograph is to illustrate what a netzero energy home might look like when drafted out and the types of things that would set it apart
from the homes that werent built to be economically efficient.
Letter: My letter I approached by writing to someone who is in charge of the
department that makes the restrictions for things to be qualified economically friendly. In my
letter I stated a few things that would be done to the building in order to meet those qualifications
and give a base of what is to be expected.
Persuasive essay: I did a persuasive essay to illustrate the positive side on the
benefits of having a home that is economically friendly, efficient, and built to last. Its thought
that things that are green are expensive but this isnt true in all cases so this was trying to
illustrate that in a way.

Isaacs 8


Looking through the lenses of many multiple genres has opened my eyes to the
various different sides and opinions on my topic. Coming in to my topic I thought I had a large
understanding of eco-architecture and lookin into it and doing research I have found many
different opinions some based on nothing others based on fact regarding the whole concept of
building green. Although there is a huge impact that could be made it is true that at some times
certain materials and labor for green works can be more expensive then the alternative. This
does not mean that it is not worth it, because the amount of time the better material will last is
triple the cheaper material. After taking in multiple opinions and sides of my topic I definitely
still feel strongly that it could be beneficial for society and the environment givin the right

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