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When and why do you use each design pattern

How do you choose between Synchronous and Asynchronous communication

Use an asynchronous approach in a service operation implementation if the
operation service implementation makes a blocking call, such as doing I/O work.
When you are in an asynchronous operation implementation, try to call
asynchronous operations and methods to extend the asynchronous call path as far
as possible. For example, call a BeginOperationTwo() from within

What are the different kinds of designs encountered.

What is a schema?
Impose restrictions to fields in a XML schema
Different tools used for schema modeling
What is a solution architecture design?
Your understanding of BRS document, key points you would look in the
document which would help for your HLD creation
You understanding of HLD
Different sections of HLD and what do they mean
Sequence diagram creation and criteria you keep in mind while creating
Criteria for the HLD versioning

In SOA do we need to build systems from scratch?

Explain business layers and plumbing layers in SOA?
Whats the difference between services and components?
Describe the complete architecture of SOA?
Explain a practical example in SOA?
What are ends, contract, address, and bindings?
Are web-services SOA?

Define UML?
Explain use case diagrams?
Explain primary and secondary actors?
How does a simple use case look like?
Explain Extend and Include in use cases?
Explain class diagrams?
How do we represent private, public and protected in class diagrams?
What does associations in a class diagram mean?
Explain aggregation and composition in class diagrams?
What are composite structure diagram and reflexive association in class

Explain business entity and service class?

Explain System entity and service class?
Explain generalization and specialization?
How do we represent an abstract class and interface UML?
How do we achieve generalization and specialization?
Explain object diagrams in UML?
Explain sequence diagrams?

Explain collaboration diagrams?

Explain activity diagrams?
What is state chart diagram?
Explain stereotypes in UML?
Explain package diagrams?
Explain component diagrams?
Explain deployment diagrams?
Explain how UML flows in actual project?

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