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1) Easy, Lesson 3.3, Graphing systems of Linear Equations

Graph on a coordinate plane: Y> -1

2) Easy, Lesson 1.2, Evaluate and Simplify Algebraic Expressions

Simplify: 5 (7x - 2)

3) Easy, Lesson 2.1, Represent Relations and Functions

Is the following set of numbers a function or a relation?

(1 , 2) (2 , 2) (3 , 4)
4) Medium, Lesson 3.2, Solve linear systems algebraically
Solve the System using any method:

6x + 2y = 12
3x - y = 6
5) Medium, Lesson 4.6, Perform Operations using complex numbers
Write the expression as a complex number in standard form:

(2 3i) (4 6i)

6) Medium, Lesson 4.8, The Quadratic Formula

Solve the Equation using the quadratic Formula:

5x- 4x + 2 = O

7) Hard, Lesson 4.7, Complete the Square

Complete the Square for the following equation:

x + 4x + 8 = 16

8) Hard, 3.4, Graping linear equations with 3 variables

Graph the following linear equation:

4x + y + 6z = 24

9) Hard, 10.2, Use combinations and the binomial theorem

Find the possible 6-card hands that contain the cards specified in a standard 52 card

At most 1 king

10) Ridiculous, Lesson 3.4, Solve linear Equations with three variables
Solve the system using the elimination method

-3x + 2y - 2z = -10
2x + y + z = 4
x - 2y + 3z = 7

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