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For Immediate Release


Albert L. Lord
(571) 228-1840
Anthony P. Lubrano
William F. Oldsey
(908) 962-6749

Penn State Alumni Elected Trustees Call for Special Meeting

December 10, 2014-- The nine alumni-elected Trustees have called for a Special Meeting of the
Board of Trustees. In a letter sent Monday to Chairman Keith Masser, the nine alumni-elected
Trustees seek to re-engage the other trustees in the case against the NCAA, particularly those
Trustees who joined the Board after decisions made by November 2011 and July 2012 Trustees.
"With the trial set to begin in early January, we believe the board must delay no longer to join
the Commonwealth, Senator Corman and Treasurer McCord to void the NCAA Consent
Decree," said former President Pro-Tempe of the PA Senate and 2014 alumni-elected Trustee
Robert C. Jubelirer.
Added Barbara L. Doran, elected in 2013, "Like Dr. Barron, I find the NCAA's selfproclaimed "bluff" of Penn State into accepting football sanctions in 2012 to be deeply
disturbing. It is time to act."
The Trustees have called for the public session to begin at 4:00 pm. at the Penn Stater
Conference Center.

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