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Audrey Workman

Speaker Reflection # 2
October 31, 2014
I think the most important take away I had from Dr. Rogers talk with us on
Wednesday was that is really is important that we pay attention to our disposition. I think
this is important to remember because it is can be so easy to slip into slacking off on
something as simple as dress code when you are around teachers who dont have one. But
it is true to remember that we do not have a job and the people we meet and the
disposition we put off now can and will affect our future career. The other big take away
I had from Dr. Rogers talk was to not be the teacher that causes student to fall behind. I
think with this in mind my goal is to just be intentional with all my students and always
work to the very best of my ability to work with students on all levels. To challenge those
who may get bored and to come along side those who need an extra push or help.

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