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Tyreese Brewington

Final Blog
This will be the final blog of the semester. Looking back, I have learned so much
over this last semester. I have learned how to actually properly plan an essay, learned
how to revise someone elses essay and learned how to effectively use the revisions of
my essays, I have learned how to write different types of essays, I have learned more in
depth about my major, learned how to understand the writings of other individuals in a
more complex form, and I have learned how to formally research in an effort to
effectively write a research paper.
I believe that I have achieved all of the goals that Michigan State University has
for all of its students in requiring them to all take this course. I believe that the course is
overall involved in improving the writing and reading skills of Michigan State students.
This class is designed to help students become better students. The things that students
learn in WRA classes are things that they will carry with them throughout their entire
college, and even working career, depending upon their chosen field. Sometimes courses
like these, required courses, are often viewed as unnecessary money grabbers for the
university, which a lot of them are but, I believe that the requirement of at least one WRA
class is extremely necessary. After all, its hard to be a college student if you dont know
how to properly construct an essay.

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