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Denise Martinez

English 114
05 November 2014

1. I believe that what the author is trying to say in the statement is that texting is become
more than just texting, it is now being used as an actual source of communication in the
real life and that this is actually making the English language a lot better. This new
generation is bringing new words such as OMG and LOL to the English language. I
think feel that text talk is helping us evolve and learn to adapt to new things but that it
should only be used in phones, computers, etc. and not in real life.
2. I agree and disagree with the author because I feel that yes texting can make our English
language evolve in the way that we shorten things and learn to abbreviate. In some cases
it is hard to spell a word and it is easier to just make it shorter. But I feel that these
abbreviations should not be used to communicate to each other in person. I think that
those people who use LOL in the real life sound very funny. I also think that
abbreviating things shows laziness when speaking because it really is not hard to say the
full words rather than just OMG, it takes about the same time. I think the abbreviations
should only be used in text and not literally to speak.

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