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Educational Philosophy

Education is a Gateway to endless possibilities. That is why, the door

to my classroom will be a door that any student can walk through and with
my guidance can come out a better person tan they were when they walked
in. I expect to achieve this by developing a strong relationship with my
students. I find that having a strong student teacher relationship will help
me see past the pencil and paper assignments.
I do not only expect a strong teacher-student relationship to develop
but also have a strong student-to-student relationship as well. Students who
feel a strong bond with their classmates will not be concerned with what
their classmates say and will be more willing to participate. Once they have
developed a sense of being in a positive learning environment they will have
an ideal learning environment where they can speak their minds.


will then have no problem with pair work as well as group work, which will be
a crucial part of my classroom. I find that students who work together learn
together and adopt the material they learned into their long-term memory. I
know that the best way to prepare students for the real world is through real
world scenarios and at the core of that is interaction with their peers.
I know that even the best laid out plans will not always work out. As
teachers we need to be able to adapt to these changes that is why there will
always be a back up plan to every lesson I teach. I also understand that
every class period is different and different methods need to be used to

teach the different classes. As a teacher I need to embrace change not to

make my life easier, but to better help my students with their needs because
my goal is teach my students the best way possible.

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