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Madonnas: Chapter 6 Journal

1. Learn English and become your own boss. Stay speaking Spanish and you inherit a
fucking crimp in your neck from nodding si,si all day long (106).
People that come to the United States should at least attempt to speak the language. It is
hard to learn but with the practice they can get it down. Learning the language onlt
benefits them because that way they will be able to defend themselves and this will help
them not get abused at work.
2. You dont think about things like sunrise until youve gone without them, those
unappreciated everyday moments you leave behind on the outside (104).
With our busy schedules and lives we take for granted and sometimes dont have to
appreciate the little things in life. We take for granted things such as nature that can help
us relax and find peace. But with busy schedules its hard to focus on minor things.

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