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December 10, 2014

Angelique Quintero
California State University, Fullerton
Dr. Leslie Bruce,
The purpose of this Weebly site is to provide Dr. Bruce with documents
showing that I have accomplished the six student learning outcomes (SLO). These
outcomes are located in the syllabus of this English 360 course. The primary
document I have decided to represent is the Resume for the application of obtaining
a Research Manager position for the iFixit team. The other document that will be
included in this portfolio is an excerpt from the recommendation report and a peer
review of the resume. These three documents are arranged in the tabs above. The
Resume will have its own tab with the final draft first, followed by the original draft,
and the peer review evaluation. This site shows that I successfully completed the six
student learning outcomes. Below, I will provide what the student learning
outcomes are along with the documents to go with them.
By analyzing the six SLOs I was able to determine how I have successfully
revised these documents. The first student-learning outcome is a rhetorical focus. I
chose the resume for this SLO because it addresses the fact that I have formally and
informally completed a writing genre for all audiences and purpose. The resume
serves as informal, and this cover letter represents the formal component. The
audience would be Dr. Bruce in both situations.
The second SLO is ethical research. In this case I showed that I could
ethically site and communicate information from a variety of discipline-appropriate
sources. I showed this by presenting a section of the results from the
recommendation report. The recommendation reports purpose was to write a
formal report to the Health Science department at CSUF. It reported on which
writing genres should be included in the Health Science curriculum so it could
advance all students learning for obtaining a favorable job in the future. I cited my
sources in the recommendation report through the APA citation style because it is
the Health Science departments requirement.
The resume was also used for the third SLO as a persuasive argument
document. This document integrates the evaluation of ones own work into a
persuasive argument. By persuading a potential employer of my achievements I
was able to carry out an exceptional resume. The original draft was not my best
work. That is why I decided to use it for this portfolio, so that I could revise it into
something I would use for future employers.
The fourth SLO on Dr. Bruces syllabus includes organization and focus. I
believe this cover letter has organized my thoughts so I could communicate them
clearly to address a rhetorical situation. By providing what I thought about this

resume in the previous paragraph, I was able to communicate how I felt about my
original resume draft compared to my final work.
Academic language and design is the main focus of the fifth Student Learning
Outcome. By designing the resume I was able to recognize, evaluate, and employ
the features and contexts of language and design. This shows consideration to
gender and cultural differences. I believe that the design of the resume changed
entirely from the original draft to the final draft. It shows improvement.
The final SLO is collaboration. This means that I received advice for my work
through peer evaluations. The best peer review I got was for this resume. Not only
did the design of the resume change, but also the wording was improved. More
appropriate verbs were used to emphasize the work being done. This was to show
Dr. Bruce how and why I am qualified for the position of a research manager.
This portfolio accurately displays a small portion of my work in English 360. I
believe it emphasizes my abilities to take advice and make something better. From
the original draft to the peer review and to the final draft, I have improved my
technical writing skills. Thank you for the opportunity to take such a course that
successfully advanced my writing skills in a wide range of writing genres.
Angelique Quintero
Works Cited
Bruce, Leslie. English 360: Technical Writing. California State University, Fullerton.
Department of English. 2014

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