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Basic Conventions

usually consistslegend
of a motorist
who is usually a man who picks up a lonely

hitchhiker who is usually a young female.

The driver usually lends the hitchhiker some

type of item such as clothing or money. In
other versions the hitchhiker leaves


something behind which results in the driver


having a reason to go back and see the

An Urban Legend

hitchhiker again.

Upon reaching the destination the hitchhiker

This story is considered an urban legend because

usually vanishes in the car. Sometimes she

there is no evidence that it has actually happened.

vanishes after she is already dropped off.

After hearing the explanation, the owner will

inform the driver that the girl has been dead

Even according to ghost hunters, it is extremely

hard to verify this story. Maybe one day it will
eventually be proven.

for a number of years.

H I TRachel
C H Martinez
Bernalillo, New Mexico, 87004
Phone: 505-362-1435

In my experience as
a researcher, Ive
never been able to
connect to the actual
person whos
witnessed this

The Vanishing Hitchhiker Legend


One night, a boy and his friends were on their

situation, and the elderly woman informed them

way to a dance. They noticed a girl on the side o

that the girl was her daughter, but she had been

The modern version of the vanishing hitchhiker legend

f the road. They stopped and asked her if she

dead for 12 years. She had been in a car accident

dates all the way back to the 20 Century. The concept of

wanted a ride. She asked them to take her home,

at the same place where the boys picked her up.

the vanishing hitchhiker dates back even further. One of the

but they said they were on their way to a dance

The boys didnt believe her so they went to the

first vanishing hitchhikers is said to be the apostle Phillip.

and invited her to join them. On the way to the

cemetery where the woman said her daughter

In the New testament (Acts 8:26-29) it describes how an

dance, it was cold so she borrowed on of the

was buried. They found the girls grave and saw

Ethiopian driving a chariot picks up Peter. The apostle

boys coats. After a night of dancing, the girl

the boys coat draped over the headstone. The

Phillip baptizes him and then disappears. Nearly every

asked them to take her home. After they dropped

girls date of death was exactly 12 years ago to

her off, one of the boys realized she had kept his

the day.


vanishing hitchhiker story since then follows a similar


coat. The next morning the boys returned to the

girls house to get the jacket. The elderly mother
opened the door. The boys explained the

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