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LING 320 TESOL Practicum II

Lesson Reflection #5
Looking Back
(What went well/not so well and why? What went differently than expected? What were the challenges you faced
and how did you respond? Etc.)

This lesson went really well in terms of interest and student engagement. One obvious reason for this
was the text itself, which was both interesting and catalytic. It also helped that the text was based of a
movie, which many students had already seen although this made it difficult for some students to use
the text, instead relying on their knowledge of the movie. The game at the beginning, flyswatter went
much smoother than last time and this is one reason why I chose to play this game again (to have a
more successful attempt at it). However, the next time I do this game, I need to remember to remind
students to wait until I say go before they attempt to slap the right answer on the board. The students
were almost too enthusiastic to play which had the very positive result of students accurately guessing
the right vocabulary. The jigsaw reading also went very well and students were able to use the
knowledge they had gained from the text to fill in their groups on the parts they werent able to read.
However, I was concerned that later activities involving the reading might be difficult for students
concerning questions about the sections they didnt read. Overall however, the students were amply
equipped for the discussion at the end of the lesson. This discussion went very well and I actually had to
try hard to get students to stop discussing once we had run out of time. Timing was also and issue that
had little problems comparatively speaking. I was able to get through each stage of the lesson and keep
to the timing of each activity. All in all I was very pleased with how this lesson went.

Looking Ahead
(What are the key learning points and how will you apply them? How might you do it differently next time? What
skills would you like to develop to teach this sort of class better? Etc.)

Remember to tell students all of the rules (for example waiting until I say go in the game) in order to
help with classroom management. I dont know if I would change much else in this lesson.
Word count: 327

2012 Briercrest College. Materials created by David Catterick

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