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Alejandro Merlan

Learning Outcome #1
Com319 Communication Theory Fall 2014
Sole Author

Reflecting on Theory Application

This paper I had done recently for the communication theory class. The purpose of this
paper was to apply the cultural approach theory of Geertz and Pacanowsky to group that is
creating shared meaning. For myself, being apply to apply a theory helps me to describe a
situation that is going on in a news story and it also helps me to better communicate with a group
to get information that I need.
As I discuss in my paper the cultural approach is how a group creates a system of shared
meaning. The people I studied at the time created meaning in how they acted whether it was by
themselves or especially when it was with another person. Being able to decipher the system of
shared meaning and knowing how people within the group feel towards that system, helps me to
write a more effective story. Having a better understanding in how they communicate I can write
truer representation of that particular group. I become more descriptive in what is going on and I
have more material to write on. The other advantage to knowing how group communicates is that
when I communicate with the group I am able to engage with them better. Communicating more
effectively helps me to get better stories because I am able to question someone more so. In
example of this is that during my study I focused on one group in particular, this helped me in
the long run as the person playing the Ayatollah became very comfortable with me, to the point
where he would openly joke and say things about the other countries.

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