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1. the factors that cause STH

2. to live in a cave
3. fellow in the nearby cave
4. refrain from STH
5. clubbing him on the head
6. well-controlled experiment
7. pleasant characteristics
8. cooperate X compete
9. to praise SB
10. to criticize SB
11. sweeping generalization
12. at minimum cost
13. reward-cost theory
14. physically appealing
15. it is not that simple
16. physical proximity
17. interpersonal attraction
18. positively evaluate
19. to read excerpts from STH
20. favorable X unfavorable
21. set of blueprints
22. to have an off day
23. a sloppy set of blueprints
24. to emit the same phrase
25. to interpret the statement
26. to be sarcastic, manipulative
27. to be dishonest, patronizing
28. to be seductive, or stupid
29. to lose value
30. a slight change
31. in the social context
32. reward X punishment
33. to like to be praised
34. lavish praise
35. unwarranted praise
36. ingratiating himself
37. by the same token
38. to do favor
39. reformatory
40. to participate in STH
41. stooge

42. soft drink

43. to perform a dull task
44. the upshot of this research
45. a bowl of cereal
46. regardless of the situation
47. a drowning person
48. a rescue launch
49. transsituational
50. minor situational variations
51. extremely subtle
52. favor-doers
53. ingratiation is indeed risky
54. the direction of causality
55. the more the more (par.10)
56. unapproachable, distant
57. evidence of fallibility
58. beauty is only skin deep
59. a trivial determinant of liking
60. a potential date
61. overwhelmingly
62. go for STH
63. in a striking study
64. nursery school
65. to rate STH
66. the clearest results were obtained
67. attractive counterparts
68. in the company of SB
69. a man seated next to SB
70. to agree on several issues
71. inequity of the income-tax
72. upon returning home
73. tightly controlled experiments
74. negative inferences about SB
75. unpleasant, immoral, or stupid
76. enduring relationship
77. SB you recently met
78. as relationship deepen over time

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