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January 4, 2010

Many people make new years

resolutions. They want to do
things differently, or better.
Do you have a new years
resolution? Do you think new
years resolutions have any
 Turn the question into a statement
 If you do this you will get 1/2 credit for
the opener, even if you do nothing else
 You will get credit for turning the
question into a statement on most
standardized tests
 Who was the most
influential African
American woman before
the Civil War?
 Pick one and give your
reasons why you made
that decision
Sojourner Truth
 1797 – November 26,
 Her birth name was
Isabella Baumfree
 Born into slavery in New
York state
 Escaped in 1826, a year
before New York ended
Sojourner truth
 Abolitionist
 Helped force
Washington DC
streetcars to
 Recruited troops for
the Union
 Met President Lincoln
Francis Ellen Watkins Harper
 September 24, 1825 –
February 22, 1911
 Abolitionist and poet
 Born free
 Teacher
 Novelist
 Lecturer
 Prohibitionist
Maria W. Stewart
 1803 – December 17,
 The first African
American woman who
gave political speeches
 Only spoke for three
 Was a teacher
Ellen Craft
 c. 1826 – c. 1897 (c
stands for circa and
means about
 Dressed up as a man and
escaped with her
husband who played the
role of her servant
 Told their stories to
white audiences
 Lived in England for a
Class work:
 Why were African
American women
so effective as
public speakers?
 Textbook questions
on p. 233
 Answer on an exit

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