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Cameron Sprowls

The Ultimate Game

Sir Isaac Jay

Isaac Bodman
Ms. V
30 September 2014
English 100

The Ultimate Game

The Frisbee was nearing the out of bounds lines, rapidly approaching its
certain demise. All near the scene looked on in horror as the seemingly inevitable
travesty of a throw hurled toward the metaphorical void. But it was not the end. A
savior arose from the ashes of our ruination. Cameron Sprowls, a seemingly average
Joe from Entrican, Michigan, did the impossible. I saw his dead sprint change form
as his legs compressed, then sprang forward in an epic leap. The Frisbee hovered for
a moment, just as Cameron reached his apex, the zenith of his fantastic vault,
directly over it. He reached out into the darkness, fervently seeking the disk, which
he found. A wave of awe and majesty overtook us followed by sighs of relief. The
unfeasible had become our truth.
Ive enjoyed playing Ultimate1 for most of my life, says Sprowls, although I
was a Frolfing2 long before that, then I went to a camp, where the words Ultimate
Frisbee caught my eye. Ive been hooked ever since.
Although less physically demanding, Frolfing takes considerable skill and
coordination to become even an adequate player. Yet Mr. Sprowls has again
1 Ultimate is a limited-contact team field sport played with a Frisbee disk.
2 Frisbee Golf

surprised even me at his unparalleled level of Frisbee Golfing skills. He shot an
Eagle3 on one of the most trying courses like its no big deal, to put it in his own
It takes a lot of practice, he states, yet some of it is just the natural skill
that I inherited as the posterity of my father.
Although, quite clearly, Cameron is an active individual, let us not underplay
the abilities of his highly evolved and fine tuned mind.
I love being active, but that applies to both senses of the word, he states as
he walks down the hall with me, deftly recognizing and preforming the advanced
algorithms involved with the solving of a Rubiks Cube. You have to exercise your
mental functions as well, in order to be in true peak condition.
Ive watched Cameron solve the cube many times, and I timed his fastest
solve to date. It was one of the more impressive things Ive seen this year.
As I sat there, anticipation escalating, Cameron remained calm and collect.
Everything faded to dull noise and sight beside the cube and the stopwatch. Our
mentally stimulating music had become ambiance behind the backdrop of our
subconscious minds. Fifteen seconds to study the cube, then
Three, Two, One, Initiate! I yelled as the timer in my hands began. I watched
him adeptly solve the white cross, then the corners, now for the inverted T shapes
of the other colors, then the lower sides, and at last, the final algorithm.
Done! he exclaimed as he dropped the cube.

3 Two under par for a specific hole.

Forty-Nine seconds, I replied enthusiastically. It was his new record! We
both jumped up and ate some pudding for celebration.
We parted ways that day, alas, as we always must, but his epicness will
remain forever implanted in the forefront of my mind. His staggering physical
prowess at Ultimate, his fine tuned Frisbee Golfing skills, and the amazing intellect
he displayed upon the nonviable Rubiks Cube.

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