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Miranda Turner

Professor Cooper
1.) Introduction
a. Introduce myself and my Roman Catholic Background
b. Explain why I found myself drawn to Judaism and American-Jewish
2.) Main
a. History of Jewish-Americans
i. In 1654, first three Jewish people arrived to what would
become America
ii. Original settlement in New York than shift to the West
iii. Jewish community begins to divide into Orthodox and
American Jews
iv. Jewish citizens during WWI and WWII
v. Jewish Feminist movement during 1970s
b. Basics of Jewish Religion
i. Significance of Torah
ii. Jewish Holidays
1. Passover, Hanukah, Shabbat Bar Mitzvahs, and Rosh
iii. Speak of other spiritual readings
1. Halakhah; Siddur
c. Orthodox Judaism
i. Practices
ii. Conservative ness
d. Reform Jews
i. Statistics on how Reform is most popular
ii. Explain easy go attitude of Reform
iii. Intermarriage and not raising the children
e. Jewish Stereotypes
i. Hate Campaigns
ii. Jew Fro
iii. Owning Everything
3.) Conclusion
a. The pride and hard work of Judaism
b. What people could learn from American-Jewish culture

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