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Miss Tedfords

Class Newsletter

October Newsletter

What are we up to this month??

Dear Parents,
In Miss Tedfords
class we celebrate our
A few books we
will be reading
this month:

Its Not Your Fault,

KoKo Bear- Vicki

The Different
Dragon- Jennifer

The Day We Met

You- Phoebe Koehler

Please feel free to check

into these books that
feature varying family
structures or check them
out from the local library!
We would love for you to
read along with us.

We are proud to be a diverse community of learners! As

we have been getting to know each other this year it has
come to my attention just how different each of our
backgrounds are and how important it is that every child
feels that theirs is valued and represented in class. One
important way of doing this is through literature. We are
beginning a critical literacy unit this month where we will
delve into diverse family structures. A few reasons we will
be doing this are:

Students from nontraditional families should be

introduced to characters that they can relate to.

Students from traditional families will benefit from

being able to better understand others from a
different background.

It is valuable to expose children to multiple points

of view, and not just the norm.

Literature can help students who have a

complicated family life to cope.

I hope you will support our class this month as we talk about
family structures by continuing the conversation at home with
your student! Please contact me with any questions/concerns.

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