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Sara Anandji

Sound Journal

In Anandjiwade production, sound plays a very vital part all the way through, which
enables the audience to identify what may exactly be happening and what might
about to happen. Every piece of sound plays a part which gives of tension, suspense
and fearfulness, without this, our production would not have been able to succeed as
far as it has. As the director also, I had made sure all the editing was done and the
cinematography looked immense enough, to be able to choose what was going to be
in it, however i did have a clear idea beforehand what sound i wanted to be in the
Another member of my team and I had been in charge of collecting sound and
putting it together in the right places that would give it a finishing product. We used
such sources such as YouTube and Sound Cloud; this gave us plenty of sound to
choose from that would fit accurately. We did not only need ambient sounds, we also
needed score music in the background. We found a few sounds for score music that
fitted right, but did not reach its full potential, as being the director i did not think it
was the suitable, so we carried on looking until we found the perfect match and fit.
After looking for the perfect match, we found the right one, which synced flawlessly
throughout the whole production, which gave it a successful look. We added in
ambient sounds such as; birds chirping, soft wind blowing when outside, and
footsteps along with doors opening and closing.
The main sounds we were looking for were the ones that gave of tension and made
the audience feel on edge to what might happen next. The sound was able to
suggest to the audience that something bad was going to occur. During the
development of shooting, we made sure what sounds; nondiegetic and diegetic
sounds were needed. We wanted it to look realistic as possible, but with a twist to
what are going to happen.
As a team, we all made sure what fitted faultlessly and needed changing, to be able
to give our final production a successful and flawless look. We were able to combine
all our opinions, whether they were negative or positive, to give the best impression.

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