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Sara Anandji

Costume notes

Michael Douglas
As the director, I had to make sure the characters had the
costumes that best fit their roles. I thought that black all
black and dark navy colours would best represent who his
character is. Michaels character is very dark, mysterious and
evil, and I th8ink that the colours can clearly represent him
as the dark colours, especially black connote evil, darkness
and death. The type of clothing he is in e.g. style of jacket
does show the age boundary he is in, suggesting he is mature
and shrewd.
Overall, I think that the costume and the colours of them
made a great judgement to who this man could be, I was
able to make him look like an ordinary man, but t=with the
colours, we were able to look deeper into what the point of
the costume was for.

Stefania Sopterean
As the director, I had to give Stefania the right costume that would fit best for her role. I told her that she needed to
wear all black, this was because her role was an innocent girl that was about to have the worst moment of her life. The
black represented death, which was what was going to happen after she would have gotten attacked. This suggests
that nothing good was going to happen. If her costume would have been anything else including colour, then the
meaning of her role would not have linked up. So I think as a director I had made the right choice that signified what
her role and meaning was all about even just through her costume.
Overall, I think that the costume and the meaning of why I had chosen what she had to wear was a good choice, this
meant that we were able to understand the true meaning underneath the story for why it was chosen. This meant that
we could identify different solutions to why and what the scenario was about.

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