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Dwayne Johnson English 112 38 October, 2014 ‘addicted to drugs. Hormone Leptin lets the brain know when to stop eating a person that is. ‘obese is less sensitive tothe hormone and tends to overeat. When individuals become obese ‘they tend to ignore the punishment and health rss. The research tha the scentst dd on the ‘ats was helpful and made me understand why humans get addicted to certain types of food. ‘They found out that f the ats become immune to unhealthy foods they can pass the brain changes off to thelr offspring’ the same for humans we too can pass unhealthy habits down ‘e our children. There was.a lot of valuable information in this article some that can use in my ‘esearch when trying to convince readers that we have the choice on what we pass down to ‘our children and family and starting a healthy lifestyle can change a whole generation. CDC. "Press Release.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control ‘and Prevention, 20 Mar. 2018, Web, 23 Oct 2014. (On a more positive note Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have shovin a recent decline of obesity in children ofthe age two to ive years od. Low income chitdren have started topartcipate more in physal activities and child care centers have implemented more utrtious tems on their menu. | was happy to read this and thought I could share this tip of knowledge in my research to let my readers know that there has been changes and a decrease of the disease in our younger generation. This les me know that with continuing participation {nthe community we can continue to thrive and make changes in our society.

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