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Character Profile

Elliot Roberts - is a 28 year old burglar. His first taste of committing a crime was at
the age of 16 where he used to steal sweets from the shop. As he got older he got
used to committing greater offences to the point of him becoming a regular house
burglar. He is physically strong and is willing to do whatever it takes to get his way
which can be seen as mentally unstable. This links in with the transition of him
turning from a common house burglar to a rapist and a murderer. Elliot Roberts is a
man with no real principles and his motivations are just for the sake of himself.

Michael Dave Douglas our actor fits the

requirements to play the character Elliot Roberts as
he has the physical built, and is able to play an
aggressive character like Elliot to a high standard.
Michael is able to express him self-very well
through his body language and his facial expression, which is key to playing Elliot in
our film. This helps as there is not a lot of dialogue in the two minute opening
sequences meaning body language and facial expressions which is key in creating a
believable world.

Maya Sharma- is aged 17 years old student. She lives with her mum and brother in
an upper class region. She is preparing to take her A-level exams. Her goal is to
pass her A-levels, go to university and then become a success in life. She aspires to
become just like her mum- who is strong willed, independent and caring to those
around her. In imprisoned, Maya is left at home to sleep while her mum and brother

go out to the shops. As of this and a few other factors it leads to the disruption of the
film, which is where she is raped and killed by the antagonist Elliot Roberts.

Stefania Dormico our actress fits the

requirement to play the character Maya
Sharma, as she is fair skinned which fits in how
we represent upper class people and she is
able to play a character of innocent to a high
standard. Stefania is able to produce the
emotions needed to create a believable world. A key factor that is required of
Stefania is her ability to scream in a realistic manner as if she was being attacked.

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