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Credits used - The Taking of Pelham

1,2,3 opening
Kiren Anandji

Production Company is used here

before any situation starts. Helps
to gain the audience attention
and acknowledgement of the

The credits used

have been placed
in the frame
where it will not
distract the
audience from
the situation that
is about to take

Unique selling point of the film ,reminding

the audience making them more excited for
the film to unravel

Production company

The credits have been colour coded

Actors are Blue
Distribution companies are black

This credit has been

repeated in another
part of the sequence
Emphasising the
importance of this
character and also to
excite the audiences
and this is a well
known actor . It is
also introducing the
actor to the film as it
is place right next to

Title of film in bold and placed in the centre of the frame

pointing out the importance of this particular credit.

The credit has been placed as close to the centre

without ruining the shot. Meaning the audiences can
see both without two clashing.
Distribution company placed in the centre of the fame
so the audience can acknowledge this and help
increase the companies profile .

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