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Depression in America
Brianna Alvarez
University of Texas at El Paso
Genre Analysis Draft


Depression is a serious mental illness that affects three out of five people according to the
Anxiety and Depression Association of America. It is a condition that can be characterized by
having feelings of discouragement, hopelessness, unmotivated, disinterest, and/or sadness in life
that lasts more than two weeks, and interferes with ones everyday life activities. It is treatable,
but many do not seek help. It also affects people differently, but can alter the way one might act,
feel, think, and function. There are three types of depression: less severe being persistent
depressive disorder (PDD), major depression, and most severe, bipolar disorder. Some people
may believe that depression is not a legitimate illness that warrants medical attention, but thats
hardly the case. Raising awareness helps not only the people with depression seek help, but also
others become familiar with signs and symptoms to help/emphasize with those that are going
through the struggle.
Genre one is an ad from the American Psychiatric Foundation displaying a scene of a
teddy bear in muted colors. An explanation at the bottom is saying that depression isnt just a
phase one can simply overcome. At the top reads, Sorry buddy, I just dont think youd
understand. People may know about depression, or heard of the term, but not truly know how
severely it can impact ones life and the lives of their loved ones. The toll it takes on ones body.
This ads purpose is informative and somewhat persuasive, raising awareness and educating
those that are family members/friends of people experiencing depression. A plan to take action
in, whether it be in educating oneself further about depression, helping those suffering, or
playing an active role in supporting the cause of the Foundation.


Genre two is lyrics from the band Underoaths song, Act of Depression. The lyrics
portray a graphic scene of a girl struggling with depression. At the beginning of the song, it
discusses her struggles going through life, taking a quick turn to a suicide scene. It then goes on
to describe that even in death there is no escape from the girls troubles and in doing so she
didnt realize the hurt she would inflict upon her family. Instead of going to Heaven, shes sent
into her own personal Hell. The message being that those able to relate to the girls struggles
should not consider suicide as a way to end their pain. It has a deeper meaning trying to convey
how life is a gift and the human body is much more than just a temporary physical object. It
shouldnt be mutilated; it should be taken care of. Nevertheless, the song was dedicated to those
who are living with depression and the purpose was informative and persuasive, to raise
awareness for depression and that suicide is not an answer.
Both genres are promoting awareness and are informative and persuasive; one is a little
more persuasive in order to get people involved in educating themselves while the other is
persuading people with depression that suicide should not be a result. While one is from a
foundation another is coming from a Christian heavy metal band. The lyrics may not be as direct
as the ad, but both messages are trying to convey a central theme. The awareness in depression
and the active role one can play in helping fight against the illness.
The intended audience for the ad seems to be aimed more towards people who arent
suffering from depression, specifically those that are family and friends of people with
depression. The reason being is the word choice within the ad. It seems that someone with
depression is telling their son or friend that they just dont get it. Then it goes on to explain how


depression isnt simple to overcome. Its a real illness that has to be treated and it wont go away
on its own. At the end it basically is saying that the more understanding one has, the better they
are to help their loved one overcome depression. So it is targeting specifically people who have
loved ones with depression, but it can be for everyone. It doesnt hurt to get educated about
depression, maybe not necessarily for family, but to help others who may be going through it.
The lyrics obviously target the crowd who listen to their genre of music. More of
adolescents and young adults, which studies have shown that this age group is the more likely for
suicide than any other age group. Older adults wouldnt really be listening to this type of music.
It targets people with depression, connecting with them on a different level than the others by
relating to them through this song and the feelings they may be going through. It could also be
meant for all their listeners as a means to get out there just how bad it could get with people
experiencing depression and the thoughts of suicide. Its a means to unite everyone and ignite
The audiences slightly differ between both genres. Genre one is intended for all
audiences, targeting specifically family members and friends. Genre two is intended for
audiences who listen to hard Christian metal, and is in a specific age range along with singling
out people with depression.
Rhetorical Issues
The ad uses a combination of pathos, ethos, and logos. The pathos is captured in the use
of the background with the muted, somewhat blurred scene of a teddy bear on the hardwood
floor next to a blanket. The depiction is what draws out the emotion of loneliness and has an
edge of naivets there. The accompanying of words only clarifies this feeling, but also adds in a


sense of guilt when said at beginning, Sorry buddy, I just dont think youd understand. The
ethos follows with the honesty of the explanation after the implied narrative, about depression
and how one can help their loved one better. It implies going beyond oneself to help out another
and being able to have empathy for that person. The logo comes into play with the facts about
depression in the explanation.
Pathos seems to lead heavily within the lyrics, there is an ethical message hidden, but
logos arent seen within. Commonly all throughout the eerie song invoke feelings of sadness,
horror, sympathy and towards the end compassion. But there is also some enlightenment
afterwards. The strong use of vivid and descriptive scenes all throughout the lyrics really adds to
the pathos, and the use of diction amplify them. The word blood really stands out among others.
Ethos is displayed within the hidden message that suicide is wrong and should not even be a
thought to consider. The lyrics show a strong disdain for self-mutilation, and really incorporating
religion and God into the whole scheme of everything. There is no credibility to this fictitious
scene and there are no logical facts to support any of the statements, therefore no logos.
The genres both incorporate strong pathos to attract and persuade audience, but also
ethos. Although, genre one had logos, genre two did not. That is to be somewhat expected of a
song that is describing an imagined scene of suicide and the afterlife thoughts. No one can be
certain of life after death. There is also the fact that not everyone believes in God, Heaven, or
Hell. Either way, there was emotion that really influences audiences, or the hidden ethical
message each one depicts is very compelling.


Structure and Delivery

The ad used informal language at the beginning and then switched to formal language
after to add credibility to what was trying to be conveyed. The informal language grabs the
attention at the beginning and connects with the audience in a way that they can relate. It gives it
a more personal feel, as if someone close were talking to the audience. It was in an organized
fashion as to make the implied statement, then somewhat explain what was meant. The use of the
imagery of a lone teddy bear also is very emotion packed. It captures the attention of the
audience and without that it probably wouldnt be as effective in trying to engross the audience
with the message. It centralizes more around the emotion of loneliness than anything else and
without the image itself the supporting text would not have as much impact, nor would it make
much sense.
The lyrics used informal language all throughout to connect with the audience in a way to
get more of a general understanding and have them relate. It was formatted in a way that almost
told a story from beginning to end. It also is in first person, so its as if its a more personal
account of the story, which leads people to not only to sympathize with the story, but add that
much more of a personal effect on the whole story and credibility. Its as if the artists have gone
through that experience and are sharing it, but once the suicide act comes into play then it
switches to second person. The artist is narrating the whole account after, very similar to a story.
Its very descriptive and very emotion packed with intense use of words.
The genres both have distinct characteristics that set up the whole image they are trying
to portray leading the audience to understand the message trying to get across. They both
centralize their theme around the use of pathos to attract the audience and really get them to fully


understand through the strong emotions felt. They also have imagery going for each that really
impacts their audiences. Although, the lyrics are played out more like a story while the ad is a
little more focused on an instant in time that someone with depression could possibly have. Both
are very effective in impacting the audience, but genres make them a little different in getting the
message across through the way it is put together.

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