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Jazmin Palma Garcia

Assessment Using a Technology Tool

Kindergarten Math
MCCK.G. 5 Model shapes in the world by building shapes from components (e.g., sticks and clay
balls) and drawing shapes
MCCK.G. 6 Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes. For example, Can you join these two
triangles with full sides touching to make a rectangle?
Using the application Geoboard, found in the class iPads, students will stretch bands around
the pegs to model shapes of the the real world. Then the students will compose a larger shape
by putting two small shapes together. Students will need to create at least four simple shapes
and four larger shapes. Students will also need to name the shapes and describe them.

I will asses my students by their accuracy of naming and describing the shapes they made using
the Geoboard. The students will describe the shapes by telling me the name, how many sides it
has, and how many corners/vertices it has. Students will also give real life example, such as the
top of a table is shape like a rectangle.
Class Activities
In class, we will talk about shapes and how they are found in everyday objects. We will learn
the names and describe them. The class will learn that a triangle has three sides and three
corners/vertices and that a rectangle and square both have four sides and corners/vertices. We
will also discuss the difference between square and rectangle. The students will be able to
manipulate play dough to create shapes. They will get a better understanding of shapes by
creating it themselves.
About Geoboard
What Is It?
The Geoboard is a tool for exploring a variety of mathematical topics introduced in the
elementary and middle grades. Learners stretch bands around the pegs to form line segments
and polygons.

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