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Abdominal Delivery Or C-section

by Rachel Perez

There are two types of C-section deliveries:

1. Low Cervical Cesarean Section. A horizontal incision is made at the lower

segment of the uterus. “This kind of C-section is less bloody and easier to repair,” says
Dr. Bulaon-Beltran
2. Classical Cervical Cesarean Section. A vertical incision is done on the uterus.
Doctors do this when the mother has had previous classical C-sections, or as a last
resort to save the mother and baby in a high-risk delivery. It can be done faster than the
low-cervical C-section.

Unless prior arrangements have been made, Dr. Bulaon-Beltran stresses that C-section is
required only when:

• the baby is in breech presentation and is unfavorable for normal delivery

due to its weight or the size of the mother’s pelvis
• there is incidence of umbilical cord prolapse (cord slips into the vagina)
and cord coiling around the legs or neck of the fetus
• the mother has hypertension
• the placenta is blocking the cervix or the opening of the uterus (placenta
• the baby is larger than what the mother’s pelvic cavity can accommodate


• Dr. Julia Bulaon-Beltran, obstetrician-gynecologist, Hospital of the Infant Jesus

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