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Oracular Trees

Oracular Trees are trees gifted with the ability to speak with humans. They
appear in many cultures across the world. Some examples include:

Oak and Rowan Trees: In English folklore, Druids were able to consult with
Oak trees for divination, and Streghe could do the same with Rowan trees.

The Tree of the Sun and the Moon: Located in India tales, this tree told the
future. During the day, it spoke as a man, and at night, as a woman. It is said
to have been visited by explorers such as Marco Polo and Alexander the
Great. It is located in Tonocain, southeast of Persia. Locals have visited it to
gain knowledge, but its exact location is unknown to outsiders.

The Talking Elm: In Greece, Philostratus once witnessed two other

philosophers arguing by an Elm tree, which was putting its two cents into the
conversation as well.

The Weeping Date Palm Tree: In the Islamic scriptures, the Prophet
Muhammad would stand by a date palm tree to give his sermons. When he
began to give them elsewhere, the tree began to cry. He returned to the tree
to console it. He said it was missing the religious knowledge it used to gain.
Many were witness to this event, as is recorded.

Jinmenju: These are trees that were once found in valleys in southern
China. They bared the fruit of human heads, and the faces were always
smiling or laughing. They ripened in the fall, and tasted sweet and sour.
Legend says they were all eaten,and that is why none are left.

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