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Virtue Reflection

Name: Hannan Bani

At the beginning of the semester you were challenged to practice a virtue this semester. Tell what virtue
you selected to practice and why you selected that virtue:
The virtue Ive chosen to practice is patience. I selected this because Im the most impatient person I
know. Im very level headed and calm until I have to wait, then I become annoyed and irritated very

Relate your progress as you practiced your virtue:

My progress started off slow, I wasnt sure how to go about changing my attitude. Throughout the time
Ive learned that its all about the attitude you have going into it. I knew that my past behaviors didnt
solve any of the problems so I came up with a new way of looking at it. Instead of quickly getting upset
and irritated, I decided to sit back and breathe. Taking those few moments to calm myself, instead of
resorting to my old habits has really made a difference. Ive done some research on the topic and Ive
come to the realization that sometimes when Im hungry or thirsty thats a trigger to be becoming more
impatient. I have to pay close attention to my body and notice what the triggers are. I keep a small planner
with me at all times, and I write down when whats making me impatient at the moment or what set me
off and I look at them and see what my triggers are.

Were you satisfied with your progress? Why of why not?

Overall Im very satisfied with my progress. Ive taken the time out to notice how I react to things and
now I adjust my thoughts before I can even react. I still become a little impatient at times, im not perfect,
but when I do notice myself over reacting, I step away to relax and take deep breaths. Its something I
will have to continue to practice until it becomes a natural habit. Now I know that its all about my
attitude. Im the only person that can control my feelings and emotions.

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