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Annotated Bibliography

Catherine Dwyer, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Katia Passerini. Trust and Privacy Concern Within
Social Networking Sites: A Comparison of Facebook and MySpace. Article.
Subjects from Facebook and MySpace expressed similar levels of concern
regarding internet privacy. Facebook members were more trusting of the site and its
members, and more willing to include identifying information in their profile. Yet
MySpace members were more active in the development of new relationships.
These results show that the interaction of trust and privacy concern in social
networking sites is not yet understood to a sufficient degree to allow accurate
modeling of behavior and activity. The results of the study encourage further
research in the effort to understand the development of relationships in the online
social environment and the reasons for differences in behavior on different sites.
Jack Vale, Social Media Experiment. Video
This video really shows how unsafe it is to have a social network without
strong privacy settings. I chose to use this video because I feel that it was a great
example on how nothing is private and anybody can easily access your information
on the internet if you are not careful. In this video the narrator access multiple
Instagram accounts and then hunts the people by their location locater. He continues
to tell the person their life story as told on Instagram.
Susan B. Barnes.A privacy paradox: Social networking in the United States. Article.
Currently social responses to privacy in social networks do not tend to deal
with the potential misuse of personal information. Instead the response is based on
the protection of children against predators, which is only one aspect of the privacy
paradox. Similarly, a legal response has been the proposal of a bill to protect
underage children. The government and industry responses tend to focus on the
issue of predators and this focus distracts from the actual privacy issue the social
behavior of teenagers on the Internet and the use and misuse of their private
information. The solution to the paradox is not simple. It will take all levels of society
to tackle the social issues related to teens and privacy. Awareness is key to solving
the solution. We as individuals need to be more proactive about educating each other
and protecting our privacy on the Internet.

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