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No one is perfect in this imperfect world.

But there times when you meet someone

and you just can t get enough of them. Let s find out what makes a Virgo stand out
in the crowd!
1. Down to earth- Virgos are the most down to earth people you will ever meet. The
y don t like the so-called word show-off and, keep a safe distance from those preten
tious people as much as possible.
2. Realistic- Virgos do not live in a fantasy world. In fact, they keep a very p
ractical approach towards life and in all their endeavours. They know how to kee
p their emotions in check, enough to not let them affect their decisions.
3. Meticulous- These people are very observant and have a keen eye for details.
Details, lists and facts are what make a Virgo tick! This ability to discern thi
ngs makes them the perfect pick to pursue their profession as a detective or in
the research field.
4. Ethical- Moral ethics are on the top of their priority list, and they make su
re not to let any sort of achievement get ahead of their ethics under any circum
stances. No bribe is enough when it comes to their morals and ethics!
5. Perfectionists- Virgos are idealists. They like to be perfect in everything t
hey do. They are insanely systematic. They will not leave a task until it is fin
ished and is in its complete order- alphabetically, numerically, and color-wise!
(That sure makes it easier for people like us to find things later!) Due to the
perfectionism they exhibit, most of the times they become health- freaks, but w
ait, who doesn t like a fit person?
6. Reliable- A person born under the sign Virgo is the most faithful one you will
ever come across. They will be supportive. You can always find them standing rig
ht by your side even if the boat starts shaking but they will also make sure to
get you out of the water before your boat starts sinking, and you won t see a sing
le sign of frowning. And, Yes! Your secrets are perfectly safe with them!
7. Value quality more than quantity- Virgos value quality more than anything. An
d, it won t be wrong to say this trait makes them the perfect lovers . They sure are
not the most romantic types but they do have huge hearts and do not hesitate to
offer their whole heart to their loved ones. They might not express their love i
n beautiful phrases or poetry but their little gesture from time to time does th
e magic.
8. Balanced- They are very balanced. They remain calm and placid even in the mos
t confusing situations. They plan everything in advance to improve things. They
are likely to bring order to chaos due to this miraculous gift they possess. The
y value security and stability in life.
9. Devoted- Assign a project to a Virgo and they will make sure to put all of th
eir heart in it. They will not leave anything before it is completed in its true
sense. They are self-disciplined, serious and sensible, which makes them win mo
st of the employee of the year awards.
10. Intellectual- Virgo is said to be the Wisest sign under the zodiac. They are v
ery intelligent but do not like to show off their abilities. Dare ask them a spe
cific question, you will get a one word or one liner answer but that would be th
e best answer you can ever get!

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