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Posthypoxic myoclonus early and late | Neurology Journal

Posthypoxic myoclonus early and late

We spoke about hypoxic encephalopathy a few times already. The problem of prognosis for early posthypoxic patients is in
my view quite simple t0 solve:
1. Make sure that you are dealing with posthypoxia rather than something else (do an exam, imaging [at least CT],
perhaps an EEG).
2. Use as much information as possible.
Time to (any) resuscitation
Initial rhythm
Time of resuscitation may use the total epi dose instead
Epidemiology: as always, age, CHD and diabetes are bad
If he shows any cortical activity, the prognosis cannot be too bad, so dont bother with additional
Especially look out for reaction to (severe) pain, remembering that brainstem activity is necessary
but not sufficient to get a meaningful outcome
Remember that most of the old tests (say SSEP) have been developed in old age. They didnt know
anything about hypothermia, temperature management and so on. So beware of old data. Always
request new studies to be done.
Labs: NSE, S100B (I like those; they have been evaluated in recent times)
EEG: probably not good for prognosis (except if zero EEG or burst suppression)
SSEP, AEP: This is just as good as testing for reactions to pain, but easier to make objective. Never
been evaluated for hypothermic patients.
MRI: nice to have for rule-out of structural disease (such as stroke), yet not good for (early)
prognosis. After 2 weeks it might be fine, but then we all know the outcome.
Posthypoxic status: again, this used to portend a bad prognosis, but nowadays the false positive rate
is to high (might be about 7-10%).
But really we want to deal with posthypoxic myoclonus here you have to distinguish the pt with coma + myoclonus vs. the
(more or less) awake recovering patient with post-hypoxic (nearly always action induced) myoclonus. The latter used to be
taught as rare, but probably is quite common among resuscitation survivors. As for treatment, I recommend
Levetiracetam (piracetam is probably no better)


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