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A Lesson Before

by Earnest J. Gaines
Christine Pearson

A Lesson Before Dying highlights the tension inherent in the
lives of African-Americans during the 1940s. Racial violence
and hatred permeated all sectors of American society, but were
felt most acutely in the rural South.


Grant Wiggins Main character, well-educated professor

Jefferson Main character, uneducated prisoner

Miss Emma Grant Wiggins kind-hearted grandmother

Vivian Grants persuasive girlfriend


Plantation on Bayonne, Louisiana


Between Grant and Jefferson



Jefferson is arrested and given death sentence.

Miss Emma is determined to help him die with dignity.

Grant Wiggins is asked to teach him.

Jefferson at first refuses help and wants to die a hog

Grant Wiggins challenges Jefferson to write.

Jefferson becomes a public figure for his bravery.

Jefferson is executed.

Educational theme in A Lesson Before Dying:
This book taught that even the teacher has a lot to
learn. It also taught that our motives behind teaching should be
that of love and compassion for others, not our selfish motives.

How it applies to today:

Today we must understand that the teacher can teach
the student, but sometimes the teacher has to be open to
learning from the student as well. Teachers must also be willing
to teach those who are the least teachable.

There was something to learn from each
character in this book. Grant Wiggins was not the only
teacher in this story. The biggest lesson that I learned
was to be humble enough to learn something from your
students. Grant ended up learning something from his
grandmother, his girlfriend, and a prisoner. I also learned
that teaching has to come from a heart of love. Grant was
a selfish man at first who did not want to lower himself
to teach a convicted felon. Everyone is capable of
learning, but someone has to be willing to teach them. I
also enjoyed reading Jeffersons Journal. It showed me
that hard work as a teacher will pay off even if you can
not see results right away. I want to be a teacher who is
always ready to learn something new.

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