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Running head: THE STORY OF AN HOUR

The Story of an Hour

ENG 125


The Story of an Hour: Reflection:

For my reading reflection paper, I chose to read The Story of an Hour by Kate Chapin
(1894). I was fascinated by both the author and the story she told. Chapin put this story together
in a way that made it feel very realistic. This short story is full of symbols and imagery
throughout that make the story come alive for to the readers. Chapin uses signs and symbols to
foreshadow events that will happen in the future in her stories. She will also foreshadow the
future of the characters to peak your interest. Within The Story of an Hour, you get to know
Louise, A housewife in the 1900s with a known heart problem. So, great care was taken when her
sister told her of her husband Bentleys death. After Mrs. Mallard had heard the news, she had a
very emotional reaction to the news of her husbands tragic death. She was struck with grief at
the thought of her husbands passing.
Although, it was not long till the grief passed as her mind wondered how life would be
alone and free to live for herself. She then was overcome with her thoughts of new found
freedom following the news of her husbands death. The joy she had was short lived, she knew
she would grieve again when she saw his dead body lying peacefully. Eventually, she opened her
bedroom door for her sister that had been knocking and begging her to come out. They started to
go down the stairs and at that time there was the sound of someone putting the keys in the door.
As they were going down the stairs, the door opens to show Bentley there alive, he had not made
it to him workplace after all. When Mrs. Mallard saw him, she was shocked after the past hour of
her emotions going up and down then she suddenly dies of heart disease.


There are a couple of times in this short story I found myself surprised by Louise and her
actions. The first time she surprised me was when she showed so much joy after hearing of her
husbands death. As stated in The Story of an Hour, She said it over and over under her breath
free, free, free (Clugston, 2014 2.2)! She celebrated quietly to herself. I did not expect this
because she was just so upset not long before. Again, I was also surprised at the end of the story
when Mrs. Mallard suddenly dies. Even with her known heart problems, I was still surprised that
her death was so sudden, and then story was over. It was told that Mrs. Mallard had died of heart
disease. The author Kate Chapin does an excellent job keeping your interest with the use of
numerous imagery and symbols throughout the short story. Some examples of symbols in the
writing are Louises heart troubles, the window, a door, Mrs. Mallard, and the patches of blue sky.
Also, nature is used as a symbol of the great burst of emotions. Same as, spring symbolizes the
new life. Louises heart troubles were considered to be a symbol for the lack of love she had in
her life as the window is a symbol for a couple things. First, it represents the freedom she felt
when she got the news of her husband dying. Equally, it was also a symbol for everything Louise
wanted but didnt have in her life, such as, freedom. Mrs. Mallard herself represents an example
of the women in her time period, because many were unhappy with the marriage restrictions back
then. Additionally, springtime is a symbol of new exciting life that Mrs. Mallard thought awaited
her while she looked out the window, and also patches of blue sky that symbolize beginning of
new life.
In fact, a great example of imagery and metaphor is expressed throughout the story is the
use of storm. As stated in The story of an hour When the storm of grief had spent itself she
went away to her room alone (Clugston, 2014, 3). Storm of grief being the metaphor to express
the grief she felt. Strong imagery that helps you feel the tone of the story is used to shed light to


the power of the stories passions. I could feel and see what Mrs. Mallards was wanting and
wishing for at that time. After all, that is what creates the use of excellent imagery in the story.
The placement of other literary devices, as in similes, help the reader really appreciate the story
and feel the tone as they are reading.
Although, The Story of an hour is a short story, it tells a big story. You get a feeling of
how it was to be married in those times. Also, Louise went from a very high emotional state to a
very low emotional state all in the period of one hour. Yes, everything in this story happened in
only an hour.


Clugston, R. W. (2014). Journey into literature (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint
Education, Inc. Retrieved from,. (2014). Ashford University Library.
Retrieved 29 September 2014, from

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