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Virtue Reflection

Name: Sarah Bani

At the beginning of the semester you were challenged to practice a virtue this semester. Tell what virtue
you selected to practice and why you selected that virtue:
The virtue I chose to practice was happiness, because most of the time I dont feel too happy. With the
stresses of life, working two jobs and going to school full time, its hard to reflect and be happy.

Relate your progress as you practiced your virtue:

Instead of waking up everyday grumpy that I had to work, or had to go to school, I chose to be happy. I
decided to print some pictures out that made me feel happy and created a board that I hung in my room. I
would have to see it everyday before I left the house. I cut out pictures of what I imagine my future being
like, pictures of my friends, and pictures of my fianc and I. Everyday that I look at this board, it fills with
me joy and I have a better day. I find myself smiling, and being grateful instead of being unhappy and

Were you satisfied with your progress? Why of why not?

I am satisfied with my progress. Happiness is a choice and every day that I chose not be happy, my work
was sloppy and I just didnt care. I still may have bad days, but they are very few in between.

Virtue Reflection Evaluation Rubric

Points Possible

Acceptable Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation

& Sentence Structure

Were the responses to the prompts

thoughtful, sensible and complete?


Points Awarded

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