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Clement 1

Alaina Clement
Professor Yolanda Franklin
English 1102 10:10AM
03 November 2014
Paper 2

From Genesis to the South: How the Snake Slithered from Creation to Murica
The snake has played a very significant role in the shaping of our universe and the south
has played a very significant role in shaping America. The serpent is one of the few animals
mentioned in the Bible likewise the American south has a vast array of snakes itself. Even so, the
serpent is the only animal to have carried the weight of the world on its shoulders just as the
south carried the weight of the union on its back until the early 1970s. The very first introduction
of the snake to mankind was religiously significant and highly skeptical and interestingly enough
snakes are in a large abundance in the southern parts of the United States. From the ancient
introduction between man and snake there has been tension between the serpent and the human
since time evolved. Even so, southerners use the ancient tension as an excuse to unapologetically
kill snakes due to the overpopulation. As humanity progressed into the American south from the
ancient world, the fear and respect for the snake turned many people and cultures as well to
embrace the clever beast in effort to become feared and respected themselves; almost to become
god-like and worthy in the eyes of all who fear the slithering reptile.
I want to research how the snake has affected The United States Southern Culture. I will
attempt to answer the overall question, What does the snake really symbolize to the south? I
will research where the serpentine symbol arose from by exploring ancient cultures. I will

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research what those symbols mean and how they correlate to the modern American southern
culture and how it has affected America.
In the beginning. Are the first three words that resound all of creation for believers in
southern American, but the word that represents the snake in southern Christian beliefs is,
deception. Now, the American south is known for being deeply religious so their sympathy for
the snake is very much due to the connotation that the Bible puts the serpent in. For example, the
snake deceived the woman. The definition of deception according to Merriam Webster online
dictionary is an act or statement intended to make people believe something that is not true
(Webster). The way that southerners view deception is with contempt, it goes against the
southern chivalrous code. The chivalrous stereotype affects the rest of America politically
because southerns who have problem with moral dishonesty are less likely to vote in politics.
Often times people refer to politicians as snakes because theyre often seen as liars. Deception is
a key symbol in which snakes are held in high regard. For example, in the tale of the Garden of
Eden the manipulation and trickery on the part of the serpent was what caused the fall of
mankind into this world of hatred and evil. Ironically, that hatred and evil is exactly what
categorizes the feelings that southerners have toward snakes today.
In regards to the serpent abundance in the south, the reason is that snakes are ectoderms,
meaning that they take on the temperature of their surroundings. Therefore, due to the warmer
southern climate, snakes have a tendency to thrive in the warmer conditions. The rest of America
has the south to thank for their perfect reptilian weather. So in different climates comes different
values such as the killing of animals. Southerns have more wildlife than northerners because of
the warmer climate which makes southerners more apt to kill animals. Southern moral in the

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killings of animals is stereotypically unremorseful in their eyes. Organizations like PETA and
Wildlife Rescuers are outraged over the killings of animals including snakes.
In the minds of many southerners there are two types of snakes that live in their minds:
poisonous and non-poisonous. However, a garden snake is harmless, yet many southern people
are afraid of them. The fear of snakes in my opinion has been instilled by generations before us
who have taken the negative religious bias and associated it with fear. Our ancestors avoided
snakes and that mentality was passed down to the later generations who have provoked the
serpent paranoia that lives in the hearts of most humans. Serpent paranoia is vexed by making
shows and movies that showcase the danger, the violence, and the evil intent that supposedly
all snakes in the wild have. Many of the aforementioned shows are filmed in southern plaes
like Florida or Louisiana where serpents and other reptiles are in overpopulation.
The American psychological fear of snakes was put in place by southern culture. For
example, think of what the media did to the image of the shark. Shows such as, Shark Week, on
Discovery Channel always causes paranoia among viewers (Discovery). Shows like these
graphically depict shark attacks and the survivors. The survivors on the show describe their
vicious attackers in such a way that makes them too apologetic. Thence, the viewers are
hypnotized by shark danger and beach attendance during Shark Week always goes down.
Overall, the media and television shows of this kind spread fear and plant seeds of anxiety in
other people. Even though statistics say that the amount of shark attacks are very small and
usually non-fatal, people are still afraid (Oceana). The fear instilled by culture of sharks is
similar to the instilled fear of snakes. In the same way with snakes there is an almost instinctual
fear of the reptile from birth. Coincidentally, from the birth of the universe and in the south
snakes have become symbols of all sin, wealth, fear, deception, power, respect, and divinity.

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Ironically, all of these symbolic relationships to the snake are the root of all the problems
in the American South which have spread to modern America. On a biblical account, at the birth
of the universe the Bible says that God saw all he had made and He called it very good (Gen.
1:31). Later on in the New Testament the Bible warns us that, ...the whole world lieth in
wickedness" (1 John. 5:19). With the south so religious and devout their view of snakes is likely
to coincide with the Bibles. So the world turned from very good and perfect into wickedness
and evil. This claim is very significant and relevant to the snake. For instance, the woman in the
garden blamed her sin on the serpent for manipulating and deceiving her, while the man blamed
the woman who gave the fruit unto him (Gen. 3:13). In American southern history the south is
seen blaming minorities for many things such as the economy and political power. In the Bible
both the man and the woman were trying to find a scapegoat but God was the ultimate judge and
he faulted the snake and then man then the woman, then their descendants which was all of
humanity. Fast-forwarding to the south serpents represent pests and therefore, are killed for
sport. The significance of the snake being blamed in the Garden and the snakes being a burden to
southern culture is the irony. First the snake was deception but in the southern culture snakes are
a number of things like: fashion, art, prey, or bounties. The world fell into wickedness after
mankind rebelled against God and following humanity into different cultures there seems to be
link between this particular snake and sin.
Taking a journey into Ancient Egypt, Pharaoh wore a crown that was adorned with blue
and white fabric which was plated with gold and a golden serpent was mounted in the middle.
Pharaohs headdress was by no coincidence a snake. The shape of the headdress was to mimic
the hood of the cobra and Pharaohs beard was to mimic the under belly of the snake which was
highly significant since snakes crawl on their bellys. Similarly, southern history had an empire

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that was very much like Pharaohs which impacted the American economy and partially funded
the Confederacy in the beginning of the civil war.
Snakes also represent divinity; serpents have been used countless times in the Bible to
make a divine point. For illustration, the snake on Pharaohs crown represented the divinity of
pharaoh. Understanding the culture of ancient Egypt, Pharaoh, to the people of Egypt and to
himself was more than just a king. He was a god-king. Similarly, in the American south those
King Cotton empires were seen as blessings from God yet they came off of the abuse of slaves.
The symbol of the serpent was carried through the generations and through different
cultures but all ended up meaning the same thing. It is no coincidence that, dare I say, the same
snake seems to have slithered through completely different cultures at completely different
timelines and cause the same result which was to trick mighty kings like Pharaoh into believing
that they were gods. Just as the snake deceived the woman and man into believing that they too
would be like gods, knowing good and evil if they would bow down to his manipulative
wishes and eat the forbidden fruit (Gen. 3:5). The repercussions of mankind bowing to their
serpent gods has always been destruction of a civilization or of the world as they knew it. Adam
and Eve were banned from the garden and were cursed to work and pain for the rest of their
lives, Egypt suffered plagues and ultimately were swept into the depths of the sea during battle.
Finally those King Cotton empires came tumbling down with a harsh blow to the economy and
labor force of the south which became a burden on the rest of America. The almighty antebellum
south would not see economic recovery until the 1970s.
The symbol of the snake is very relevant such that snake symbolism was actually used
by God Almighty. For example, in the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, God gave Moses a
serpent staff. The first thing that Moses did when he saw the snake was to flee, so when Moses

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went before Pharaoh, the arrogant god-king, who had a cobra on the forefront of his high
headdress and demanded that Pharaoh let Gods people go. Similarly, slavery in the antebellum
south mirrored the Exodus events which freed and emancipated millions of slaves. However,
Moses needed a sign that would impress Pharaoh like the slaves needed abolitionists to impress
Lincoln. So after Pharaoh declined, Moses showed the Egyptians the first sign from God which
was Moses staff turning into a serpent. The pre presidential Lincoln debates showed that
Lincoln was not anti- or pro- slavery. This wonder baffled the Egyptians but Pharaohs
magicians copied the sign with enchantments (Ex. 7:22). After years, the snake in southern
culture, instead of being transformed into a staff, southerners transform the snake into war. Now,
Gods first sign to Pharaoh was a snake because Pharaoh was believed to be this ultimate godlike ruler but God wanted to show Pharaoh that only He was the ultimate ruler of the universe so
He allowed Moses to use a snake which was the symbol of a god to the Egyptians. Harriet
Tubman was called the Moses of her people because the slaves related very closely and
passionately to the Exodus. The staff turning into a serpent was used to outshine Pharaoh and all
of his majesty.
Just proving that the snake is an important historical symbol in human history. The
serpent is so much of a symbol that even God himself used it to show off His power. In fact
another time in the Bible God used the snake for symbolism. Back to the Garden of Eden, after
the fall of mankind in the garden, God cursed the snake by putting enmity between you and
the woman. Even more symbolism here regarding the birth of Jesus through Mary, the woman,
her seed will bruise your head talking about how Jesus would ultimately defeat Satan in
taking back the salvation of humanity. Many southerners get their gender roles right from this
scripture where God made husbands rulers over their wives. These gender roles played a

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significant part in the development of American culture and stay strong even until this very day
in the American South.
Another time in the Bible in the Book of Numbers Chapter 21, one can read about the
Bronze Snake that the Israelites had to build to look upon and be cured of the snake bites that
they faced after snakes got into their camps. Thrice God used a serpent to get a point across.
God cursed the serpent to crawl on his belly and to eat dust for the rest of eternity. The same
snake has slithered through humanity in its creepy S pattern with each curve touching the
remnants of completely different cultures at completely different times and destroying whoever it
bites in very similar ways.
Many southern people are afraid of snakes, as research suggest that, such fear has
been shaped by evolution even if a snake is non-poisonous most people are still afraid of
snakes. Our ancestors had to protect themselves from a world dominated by reptiles so the fear
of snakes was inbred in our ancestors (Roach).
Now, the South has strong ties to Christianity which is probably why southerners do not
sympathize too much with the killings of snakes. Florida especially has an overpopulation of
snakes in the Everglades. Snakes have even become part of southern culture as Universities have
venomous snakes as their mascots and bounties being put on snakes in the Everglades, Florida.
When Floridians kill snakes and serpents, are they killing away the symbolism? Or are
they killing the snake in hopes of obtaining the symbolic prejudices discussed such as wealth,
respect, or power which all bring fame that is a god-like quality. For example, a snake bounty
hunter kills snakes in order to get paid. That dead snake will be put to use by some industrious

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leather company which will then be sold to some fancy designer who pays big bucks for exotic
leather in hopes of selling his or her design to the wealthy.
In the south snake skin clothes are ever so ironic but very significant. Back in the garden
when man wore no clothes and was deceived by a snake are generations later in the United States
south people are indeed clothing themselves in snake skin as a sign of wealth. Wealth, being one
of the symbols of the snake always comes with power which is another symbol of the snake. The
American south is a stereotypical hunting grounds for wildlife to gut and leather so that
companies can sell to rich Americans all over. The wealthy wear snake skin because the snake is
seen in southern culture as rare, exotic and beautiful but the fact that there is an overpopulation
of snakes, entails that snakes are not rare. Yet, people still enjoy wearing snake skin because
snakes definitely represent power and beastliness. When one kills a snake he or she has just
overpowered the wild beast that is feared amongst most of the population. This is the same
reason why the ancient people of Egypt used to worship Pharaoh; it is the same reason why
people nearly worship fashion and fancy clothes. For people to wear the snake skin is not just
because it is considered rare, exotic leather but because it symbolizes wealth, superiority, and
power. This is indeed the same snake psychology that has always existed in humanity and why
Pharaoh believed himself to be a god; it is why those who can afford snake skin buy it a wear it.
For example, the wealthy and successful fashion designer company, Versace, has a logo
with a Medusa head on it. The Medusa was a Greek goddess that could seduce men and when
they looked her in the eyes they would turn to stone. Seductively is also a characteristic of the
snake. The south was seduced by money so they enslaved a race of people a subjugated them.
The south brutally raped black slaves and devalued their lives. The south had this god-complex
because they were seduced by money. Remember that the love of money is the root of all

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evils. Medusa had hair that was composed of serpents this is significant because the serpent
seduced the woman in the garden and tempted her with the forbidden fruit. The Medusa would
seduce men and tempt them with sex. Men lusted after Medusa as the woman in the garden
lusted after the fruit. Similarly, greed and lust in the south today are often characterized wrong
doing. Desire was Medusa's weapon so Versace uses the same approach. Versace makes
appealing things that people want to buy to the point of spending money they do not have. Lust
and desire are sins associated with the serpent which are only a few reasons why snakes are worn
as clothing in some parts of the south because it does represent status or class which makes
others feel inferior.
Sin, wealth, desire, deceit, respect, seduction, power, lust, and divinity are symbols that
characterize the snake. In ancient societies and in the modern societies one can see that wherever
the snake is represented those symbols are manifested. From the beginning of time the serpent
existed as a deceitful, seductive creature then it slithered to Egyptian culture to represent divinity
and power. One can see that the snake was used as a symbol multiple times in the Bible by God
to make a divine point. Next the serpent slithered to modern southern culture to represent desire
and lust where luxury brands market their products to society in order to evoke desire and lust
for fancy clothes or materials. Finally, the snake has slithered to the south in excess which the
snake has come to represent wealth and social status.
When American southerners wear rare, exotic snake skin leather it is not particularly rare
as there is an overpopulation of snakes in the south but rather it is to make a point of social class
or rank. With the mindless killings of snakes in Floridas south people are getting wealthy and
companies are obtaining wealth by making money off of wealthy consumers who desire to be
respected. Yet those wealthy consumers who clothe themselves in snake skin is very ironic as it

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is the inverse of what happened in the garden. Instead of being naked and being overtaken by the
manipulations of the serpent, the wealthy are clothing themselves in serpent skin while making
money off of killing snakes. As the serpent is flexible, the trickery of the serpent can come in
many different shapes and those who bow to their serpent gods will witness the destruction of
their world as they know it.

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Works Cited
Bible Gateway. 1 John 5:19. Public Domain, n.d. Book. 22 Oct. 2014
Bible Gateway Passage: Genesis 1 - King James Version. Public Domain, n.d. Book. 22 Oct.
Health Care for America Now. Big Pharma Pockets $711 Billion in Profits by Price-Gouging
Taxpayers and Seniors. N.p., 08 Apr. 2013. Article. 02 Nov. 2014.

Merriam-Webster. Deception. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2014.

Merriam-Webster. Fear. Merriam-Webster., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2014.
Roach, John. "Fear of Snakes, Spiders Rooted in Evolution, Study Finds." National Geographic
News. National Geographic, 04 Oct. 2001. Article. 30 Oct. 2014.

Oceana. Shark Attack Statistics. N.p., n.d. Article. 21 Oct. 2014.

Discovery Channel. .Shark Week 2014 Discovery Channel. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2014.
Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of Pharaohs Review (Melbourne Australia 2011) -." N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2014.

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