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British International School

Name: ______________________



Class: 3


Q.No.1: (a) Write Yes or No


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1. Matter takes up space? ________

2. The shape of a liquid does not change? ________
3. A solid can flow? ________
4. We cannot see air? ________
5. Water is made up of sugar molecules? ________

(b) Write solid, liquid or gas

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1. It has a fixed shape? _____________

2. A stone is ______________
3. It is hard? _______________
4. Milk is ______________
5. Air is a _______________

Q.No.2: Fill in the blanks?


1. The layer of air around the earth is called the _________________.

2. The atmosphere is more than _____________ kilometer deep.
3. All living things breathe out _____________ gas.
4. Warm air is lighter than ______________ air.
5. A light wind is called a _______________.

Q.No.3: (a) What is breeze?

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(b) What is wind?

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Q.No.4: (a) How do clouds form?

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(b) How can water be changed from one state to another?

Q.No.5: (a) Define gas?
(b) What are states of water?

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